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"Ajax基础及环境搭建" Ajax,全称异步JavaScript及XML,是一种自2005年起由Google推广的Web开发技术。它并非一种全新的编程语言,而是利用现有技术标准,如JavaScript和HTTP请求,来实现网页的动态更新和用户友好体验。通过Ajax,开发者可以在不刷新整个页面的情况下,仅更新部分网页内容,从而提高Web应用程序的性能和用户体验。 Ajax技术的核心组成部分包括: 1. Web标准:采用XHTML和CSS来定义页面结构和样式。 2. DOM(文档对象模型):利用DOM API对网页内容进行动态显示和用户交互。 3. XML和XSLT:作为数据交换和处理的格式,尽管现在JSON更常用。 4. XMLHttpRequest:这是Ajax实现的关键,负责异步地与服务器通信。 传统的Web应用通常需要用户提交表单后完全刷新页面才能获取新数据。而Ajax技术改变了这一模式,通过XMLHttpRequest对象,可以在后台与服务器进行数据交互。当创建XMLHttpRequest对象时,现代浏览器(如IE7+、Firefox、Chrome、Safari和Opera)直接支持此对象,旧版Internet Explorer(如IE5和IE6)则需要使用ActiveXObject。创建XMLHttpRequest对象的代码如下: ```javascript // 现代浏览器 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); // IE5和IE6 if (!window.XMLHttpRequest) { xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"); } ``` 一旦对象创建成功,就可以通过`open()`方法设置请求类型(GET或POST)、URL和是否异步执行,然后使用`send()`方法发送请求。例如: ```javascript xhr.open('GET', 'server_script.php', true); xhr.send(null); ``` 在发送请求后,可以通过监听XMLHttpRequest对象的`onreadystatechange`事件来处理服务器返回的数据。当`readyState`属性改变时,表明请求的状态有所更新。当`readyState`为4(即请求已完成)且`status`为200(表示请求成功)时,可以使用`responseText`或`responseXML`属性获取服务器响应的数据。 总结来说,Ajax是提升Web应用程序交互性和性能的重要技术,它通过JavaScript和XMLHttpRequest对象实现了后台数据的异步加载,减少了用户等待时间,优化了网页的用户体验。在实际开发中,开发者需要考虑不同浏览器的兼容性,合理运用Ajax技术以提高应用的可用性和效率。
2009-03-10 上传
================================================================================ EXAMPLES FROM "FOUNDATIONS OF AJAX" ================================================================================ Last Updated: 23 November 2005 Thank you for your interest in "Foundations of Ajax." We hope you find the book and these examples useful tools for learning Ajax and its related techniques. Included in this download is the source code for the examples from the book. The examples can be run in any J2EE 1.3 servlet container like Jakarta Tomcat. All of the pre-built WAR files were compiled against JDK 1.4, thus JDK 1.4 or newer is required to run them. The source code is divided by chapter. Inside of each chapter folder is a directory named "dist." Within the dist directory is the pre-built WAR file that can be deployed to Tomcat or other servlet container. Each chapter folder also contains a build.xml file from which the WAR file can be built using Ant. Use the dist target to compile the sources and build the WAR file: > ant dist Each chapter WAR file has an index file that points to the individual examples within that chapter. Access the index file using a URL similar to the following, making sure to use the desired chapter number and the correct port number for your servlet container: http://localhost/Chapter02/ Users of the NetBeans IDE will notice that each chapter folder contains a directory named nbproject, making each chapter folder a native NetBeans project. Each chapter folder can be opened in the NetBeans IDE version 4.1 or newer. You may contact us via email at foundationsofajax@gmail.com with any questions regarding the source code. Thank you and good luck!