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《精通Wireshark》是一本深入解析网络分析工具Wireshark的实用指南,作者Charit Mishra是一位经验丰富的网络安全顾问和渗透测试员。这本书适合对网络协议、数据包分析和网络安全感兴趣的读者,无论你是初学者还是希望提升专业技能的专家。 书中首先从欢迎读者进入网络包分析的世界开始,介绍Wireshark的基本概念,包括TCP/IP模型及其各层功能,以及如何通过Wireshark进行包分析。作者解释了Wireshark的工作原理,涵盖了不同的捕捉方法,如在hub基础架构和switched环境下的操作,以及如何处理ARP欺骗等问题。使用Wireshark的原因在于其强大的捕获和过滤功能,可以帮助用户深入了解网络流量。 第二章着重于Wireshark的过滤系统,包括捕获过滤器(Capture Filters)和显示过滤器(Display Filters)。捕获过滤器用于设置特定的条件来筛选出感兴趣的数据包,而显示过滤器则帮助用户在捕获的数据集中进一步精细化分析。书中还提供了实例,教读者如何编写和应用这些过滤器,以便更有效地进行数据包搜索和分析。 后续章节分别讲解如何分析应用层和传输层协议,以及在无线环境中解密加密流量。随着读者深入学习,Wireshark的高级特性和网络安全分析技巧被逐步揭示,包括如何利用Wireshark进行网络监控、检测恶意软件和排查网络问题。此外,书中的内容也涵盖了如何解决网络延迟和瓶颈问题,以及对Wireshark 2版本的介绍。 作为一位实战专家,Charit Mishra不仅提供了理论知识,还结合自身的行业经验和认证(如OSCP、CEH等)分享了实用技巧。书中还包含了丰富的实践练习题,帮助读者巩固所学并提升实际操作能力。 《精通Wireshark》是一本全面且深入的教材,无论是初次接触Wireshark的用户还是希望提升网络分析技能的专业人员,都能从中收获宝贵的知识和实践经验。通过本书,读者将能够掌握Wireshark的安装、界面理解、过滤技术、协议分析、安全监控和故障排除等多个关键技能。
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Use Wireshark 2 to overcome real-world network problems Key Features Delve into the core functionalities of the latest version of Wireshark Master network security skills with Wireshark 2 Efficiently find the root cause of network-related issues Book Description Wireshark, a combination of a Linux distro (Kali) and an open source security framework (Metasploit), is a popular and powerful tool. Wireshark is mainly used to analyze the bits and bytes that flow through a network. It efficiently deals with the second to the seventh layer of network protocols, and the analysis made is presented in a form that can be easily read by people. Mastering Wireshark 2 helps you gain expertise in securing your network. We start with installing and setting up Wireshark2.0, and then explore its interface in order to understand all of its functionalities. As you progress through the chapters, you will discover different ways to create, use, capture, and display filters. By halfway through the book, you will have mastered Wireshark features, analyzed different layers of the network protocol, and searched for anomalies. You’ll learn about plugins and APIs in depth. Finally, the book focuses on pocket analysis for security tasks, command-line utilities, and tools that manage trace files. By the end of the book, you'll have learned how to use Wireshark for network security analysis and configured it for troubleshooting purposes. What you will learn Understand what network and protocol analysis is and how it can help you Use Wireshark to capture packets in your network Filter captured traffic to only show what you need Explore useful statistic displays to make it easier to diagnose issues Customize Wireshark to your own specifications Analyze common network and network application protocols Who this book is for If you are a security professional or a network enthusiast and are interested in understanding the internal working of networks, and if you have some prior knowledge of using Wireshark, then this book is for you. Table of Contents Installing Wireshark 2 Capturing Traffic Filtering Traffic Customizing Wireshark Statistics Introductory Analysis Network Protocol Analysis Application Protocol Analysis I Application Protocol Analysis II Command-Line Tools A Troubleshooting Scenario