344 CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS / Vol. 7, No. 4 / April 10, 2009
Cyclic polling-based dynamic wavelength and bandwidth
allocation in wavelength division multiplexing passive
optical networks
Zhengcheng Xie (
, Hui Li (
, and Yuefeng Ji (
Key Laboratory of Optical Communication and Lightwave Technologies, Ministry of Education,
Beijing University of Posts and Telecomnunications, Beijing 100876
E-mail: zhch.xie@gmail.com;
e-mail: lihui@bupt.edu.cn;
e-mail: jyf@bupt.edu.cn
Received June 30, 2008
Cyclic polling-based dynamic wavelength and b andwidth allocation algorithm supporting differentiated
classes of services in wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) passive optical networks (PONs) is proposed.
In this algorithm, the optical line terminal (OLT) polls for optical network unit (ONU) requests to transmit
data in a cyclic manner. Services are categorized into t hree classes: expedited forward (EF) priority, assured
forwarding (AF) priority, and best effort (BE) priority. The OLT assigns bandwidth for different priorities
with different strategies. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm saves a lot of downstream
bandwidth under low load and does not show the light-load penalty compared with the simultaneous and
interleaved polling schemes.
OCIS codes: 060.4510, 060.2330, 060.4250.
doi: 10.3788/COL20090704.0344.
Wavelength divisio n multiplexing (WDM) passive opti-
cal network (PON) ha s been considered as an attra c -
tive solution for next generation broadband access net-
work due to their large capacity, strong security, and
high flexibility
. Co mpared with the time division mul-
tiplexing (TDM) PONs such a s Ethernet passive opti-
cal network (EPON)
and gigabit-capable passive op-
tical network (GPON), WDM PON has two impor-
tant differences: it deploys several wavelengths for up-
stream/downstream transmission, a nd there are wave-
length selective components in the optical distribution
network (ODN). Therefore, the bandwidth allocation
problem varies from one dimension (time dimension)
to two dimensions (wavelength and time dimensions).
Clearly, the bandwidth allocation algorithms used in
cannot be applied to WDM PON dir e c tly.
As yet, there are s ome wavelength a nd bandwidth allo-
cation schemes proposed by researchers. Associated with
wavelength assignment and leap fore word visual clock
algorithm, Qiu et al. proposed a media access control
protocol based on flow for WDM PON
. Kim et al.
proposed a dynamic ratio scheme in WDM PON with
loop-back scheme, w here part of the downstream light is
used fo r upstream source
. The drawback of this scheme
was that no statistical multiplexing betwe e n the optical
network units (ONUs) was pos sible. Kim et al. sug-
gested a batch scheduling algorithm for SUCCESS WDM
. Hsueh et al. proposed the scheduling algorithms
with quality of s e rvice (QoS) support for SUCCESS dy-
namic wavelength alloca tio n (DWA) PON which em-
ployed DWA to provide ba ndwidth sharing across multi-
ple physical PONs
. Kwong et al. proposed a WDM in-
terleaved polling with ada ptive cycle time (IPACT) with
a single polling table (WDM IPACT-ST)
. In the WDM
IPACT-ST, transmission windows are ass igned to ONUs
in a r ound robin fashion allowing them to transmit in the
first available upstream channel. Clarke et al. proposed
the simultaneous and interleaved polling with a daptive
cycle time (SIPACT) algorithm for WDM PON
. In
the SIPACT, ONUs can be polled simultaneously on sep-
arate wavelengths, and then interleaved polling can be
employed when it is not possible to poll simultaneously.
SIPACT provides statistical multiplexing for ONUs and
results in efficient upstream channel utilization. How-
ever, the drawback of this algor ithm is that it reduces the
downstream link capacity when the load is lig ht. And it
is not suitable for delay and jitter sensitive se rvices or
service level agreements (SLAs) because of the variable
polling cy c le time.
In this letter, we suggest a cyclic p olling-based dy-
namic wavelength and bandwidth alloca tio n (DWBA)
algorithm for differentiated classes of se rvice for WDM
PONs. It can eliminate or mitigate the light-load penalty
by using a cyclic polling scheme. The tr affic is classified
into three classes and the classified queue information is
used to assign dynamic bandwidth to e ach ONU.
Figure 1 illustrates the cyclic polling-based algorithm.
At the beginning of ea ch cycle, the optical line terminal
(OLT) assigns wavele ngth and timeslot for all ONUs ac-
cording to the following strategy.
1) The OLT calculates the bandwidth assigned to each
ONU by
≤ B
· B
> B
, (1)
where G
and R
denote the grant bandwidth and the
request bandwidth o f the ith ONU, respectively, and
is the to tal bandwidth that can be allocated to all
ONUs in each cycle.
2) The OLT maintains a variable for every channel
that designates the time T
for wavelength k when the
next transmis sion is possible on that particular chan-
nel. According to the index number of ONUs, the OLT
2009 Chinese Optics Letters