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With the convenience, speed, practicality, and large storage capacity of computer software, it has been widely used in various industries and fields. In the field of education, software development has been particularly strong, bringing great advancements to the education sector. There are many software applications related to teaching on the market today. Some of these software applications are developed using a browser/server model and JavaEE architecture, such as teacher attendance software and student information management software for college students. These software applications require the use of a browser and most of them need network support. Other software applications are application software, some targeting teachers, such as courseware generation software, and some targeting students, such as Java self-study software. While these software applications can achieve their respective functions, they also have some drawbacks, such as the need for network support, the inability to add data to the software, and being solely for teachers or students. In order to adapt to the market, Java teaching software for classroom teaching should ensure that different roles such as teachers and students have different functions and permissions. It should also ensure that the software has read/write functionality for data, as well as appropriate handling of all exceptions. In conclusion, the development of Java teaching software should take into account the different needs and roles of teachers and students, providing varied functions and permissions along with robust data manipulation capabilities. By addressing these aspects, Java teaching software can better serve the needs of educators and students in the ever-evolving educational landscape.