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SCARA assembly manipulator is a type of robot with three degrees of freedom, mainly used for handling and moving precision instruments and objects. Due to its small size and simple transmission principle, it is widely used in the fields of electronics, electrical appliances, and precision machinery. The system consists of a robot hand, robot arm, joints, and a stepper motor drive system. The position changes of the robot hand and robot arm are achieved through the drive of the stepper motor for each degree of freedom. The specific design includes synchronous belt drive design, screw nut design, design of each output shaft and housing, and selection of stepper motor. Based on the strength verification, the structure of the SCARA robot is optimized. This paper focuses on the structural design and kinematic analysis of the SCARA robot. The paper first introduces the development and classification of robots, then details the structural design and kinematic analysis of the SCARA robot. At the end of the paper, further improvement measures and application prospects for the SCARA robot are discussed.
Keywords: SCARA robot, stepper motor, structure design, robot arm.
2021-08-14 上传
113 浏览量
187 浏览量
2021-08-05 上传
2021-08-14 上传
2021-08-14 上传
- 粉丝: 6803
- 资源: 3万+
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