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"这篇论文探讨了基于SWE(Software as a Wire)的嵌入式人脸识别系统的研发,主要作者为吴京京和张申。该系统利用扩展LBP算子、多尺度分析和等价类模式等技术,实现了高效的人脸识别功能,并在ORL标准人脸图像库上取得了97.50%的高识别率。系统结合了嵌入式设备的高性能、低功耗和易于操作的特点,以及SWE模式带来的快速开发和减少错误的优势。关键词包括人脸识别、嵌入式、SWE、局部二值模式(LBP)和WinCE操作系统。" 本文主要涉及以下几个关键知识点: 1. **人脸识别**:人脸识别是一种生物特征识别技术,通过比较和分析人脸的特征信息来识别或验证个体身份。在本文中,它被应用于一个嵌入式系统中,这通常意味着系统能够在小型、低功耗的设备上运行。 2. **扩展LBP算子**(Extended Local Binary Pattern):LBP是一种用于纹理分析和图像描述的简单而有效的算法。扩展版LBP在原始LBP的基础上增加了对旋转不变性和灰度不变性的处理,使其在人脸识别中能更好地捕捉和描述面部特征。 3. **多尺度分析**:在图像处理中,多尺度分析是指在不同分辨率或尺度上分析图像,有助于提取不同层次的特征,对于人脸识别尤其重要,因为人脸的表情、姿态和光照变化可能在不同尺度上有不同的表现。 4. **等价类模式**:这是一种处理图像模式的方法,将相似的模式归为一类,有助于减少计算复杂性并提高识别的准确性。在人脸识别中,等价类模式可能用于对不同光照、角度或表情下的人脸进行归类和识别。 5. **嵌入式系统**:这种系统是设计用于特定用途的计算机系统,常集成到更大的机械或电子设备中。在人脸识别应用中,嵌入式系统能够实时处理图像数据,提供高效的身份验证。 6. **SWE(Software as a Wire)**:SWE是一种软件设计模式,它强调将软件设计与实现分离,使开发过程更加模块化和高效。在文中,SWE用于构建人脸识别应用程序,加速了开发速度并减少了错误。 7. **WinCE(Windows Embedded Compact)**:这是一个微软开发的嵌入式操作系统,常用于手持设备和工业控制系统。文中提到的嵌入式人脸识别系统可能就是基于WinCE构建的,因为它提供了必要的计算能力和用户界面支持。 通过这些技术的结合,该论文提出的嵌入式人脸识别系统不仅在性能上达到了高识别率,还具有良好的可操作性和网络通信能力,这对于安全监控、门禁系统和其他身份验证应用场景具有重要的实用价值。

Write a computer program that could be used to track users' activities. Lab Number Computer Station Numbers 1 1-3 2 1-4 3 1-5 4 1-6  You run four computer labs. Each lab contains computer stations that are numbered as the above table.  There are two types of users: student and staff. Each user has a unique ID number. The student ID starts with three characters (for example, SWE or DMT), and is followed by three digits (like, 001). The staff ID only contains digits (for example: 2023007).  Whenever a user logs in, the user’s ID, lab number, the computer station number and login date are transmitted to your system. For example, if user SWE001 logs into station 2 in lab 3 in 01 Dec, 2022, then your system receives (+ SWE001 2 3 1/12/2022) as input data. Similarly, when a user SWE001 logs off in 01 Jan, 2023, then your system receives receives (- SWE001 1/1/ 2023). Please use = for end of input.  When a user logs in or logs off successfully, then display the status of stations in labs. When a user logs off a station successfully, display student id of the user, and the number of days he/she logged into the station.  When a user logs off, we calculate the price for PC use. For student, we charge 0 RMB if the number of days is not greater than 14, and 1 RMB per day for the part over 14 days. For staff, we charge 2 RMB per day if the number of days is not greater than 30, and 4 RMB per day for the part over 30 days.  If a user who is already logged into a computer attempts to log into a second computer, display "invalid login". If a user attempts to log into a computer which is already occupied, display "invalid login". If a user who is not included in the database attempts to log off, display "invalid logoff".

2023-06-01 上传

Write a computer program that could be used to track, by lab, which user is logged into which computer: Lab Number Computer Station Numbers 1 1-5 2 1-6 3 1-4 4 1-3 ➢ You run four computer labs. Each lab contains computer stations that are numbered as the above table. ➢ Each user has a unique ID number. The ID starting with three characters (for example, SWE or DMT), and followed by three digits (like, 001). ➢ Whenever a user logs in, the user’s ID, lab number, and the computer station number are transmitted to your system. For example, if user SWE001 logs into station 2 in lab 3, then your system receives (SWE001, 2, 3) as input data. Similarly, when a user SWE001 logs off a station, then your system receives the user id SWE001. ➢ If a user who is already logged into a computer attempts to log into a second computer, display "invalid login". If a user attempts to log into a computer which is already occupied, display "invalid login". If a user who is not included in the database attempts to log out, display "invalid logoff". 输入格式 If user SWE001 is logged into station 2 in lab 3 and user DMT001 is logged into station 1 of lab 4, use + for logging in, - for logging off, and = for end of input: + SWE001 2 3 + DMT001 1 4 《面向对象程序设计 C++》 2022-2023 春季学期 2 / 4 - SWE001 = 输出格式 The status of all labs (who is logged into which computer). Otherwise, display invalid login or invalid logoff. You need to display the status of all labs even when the input is invalid.

2023-06-01 上传