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"TI电子器件选型资料,适用于大学生创新设计,涵盖TI的模拟产品线,包括运算放大器、数据转换器、电源管理、时钟、接口逻辑和RF产品,以及MSP430和C2000微控制器。手册提供简化的选型指南,介绍TI信号链产品、电源解决方案及设计软件。此外,还涉及TI大学计划的支持,如特殊芯片申请、特价小批量销售和相关技术文档。" TI电子器件选型资料是专为大学生创新设计和科研应用而准备的,由全球知名的半导体供应商TI(Texas Instruments)编制。TI在数字信号处理器(DSP)和模拟产品市场具有显著地位,提供从模拟到数字的全面解决方案。本手册主要关注TI的模拟产品,但仅涵盖其产品线的一小部分,更详尽的信息可访问TI官方网站获取。 手册的第一章深入探讨了TI的信号链产品,包括直流和交流应用的不同实例,并介绍了AC/DC和DC/DC电源产品,同时对MSP430和C2000微控制器进行了简介。这些产品广泛应用于电子设计竞赛,为学生提供了实践平台。 第二章着重于TI的Analog e-Lab设计和仿真软件,如SwitcherPro和TINA-TI,帮助用户进行实际的设计工作。此外,还提供了TI相关的应用笔记和技术文档索引,以支持用户在信号链、电源、MSP430和C2000领域的技术研究。 第三章详细阐述了TI大学计划对中国大学的特别支持,如如何申请模拟芯片,特价小批量销售的流程,以及手册中提及的芯片汇总。该计划旨在培养学生的工程技能,通过掌握TI产品命名规则,使他们在选择器件时更加高效。 手册采用的教学方法是“授人以渔”,即不仅列举产品,还解释命名规则,以提升用户对TI产品线的理解。虽然命名规则不能保证100%准确,但旨在提供一个基本的指导方向。如有任何疑问或发现错误,读者可直接联系作者进行反馈。文中提到的芯片价格为千片单价,以美元计,目的是让学生了解TI大学计划提供的特价小批量销售优惠。 这份TI电子器件选型资料是大学生和教师进行电子创新设计的重要参考资料,它不仅提供了器件选型的实用信息,还支持了教育和研究活动,促进了模拟技术的学习和发展。
2019-06-24 上传
As the world leader in logic, Texas Instruments (TI) offers a full spectrum of logic functions and technologies ranging from the mature bipolar and BiCMOS families to the latest advanced CMOS families. TI offers process technologies with the logic performance and features needed in today’s elec- tronic markets while maintaining support for the traditional logic products. TI’s product offerings include the following process technolo- gies or device families: •AC, ACT, AHC, AHCT, ALVC, AUC, AUP, AVC, FCT, HC, HCT, LV-A, LV-AT, LVC, TVC •ABT, ABTE, ALB, ALVT, BCT, HSTL, LVT •BTA, CB3Q, CB3T, CBT, CBT-C, CBTLV, FB, FIFOs, GTL, GTLP, JTAG, I2C, VME •ALS, AS, F, LS, S, TTL Some Logic families have been in the marketplace for years, the oldest well into their fourth decade. The “Logic Migration Overview” section gives logic users a visual guide to migra- tion from the older to the newer technologies. Today’s applications are evolving with greater functionality and smaller size. TI’s goal is to help designers easily find the ideal logic technology or function they need. By offering logic families at every price/performance node along with bench- mark delivery, reliability and worldwide support, TI maintains a firm commitment to remain in the market with both leading- edge and mature logic lines. The “Product Index” section pro- vides a snapshot of TI’s extensive portfolio by function versus technology. The “Functional Cross-Reference” section shows the portfolio by device (type number) versus technology. Logic suppliers have historically focused on speed and low power as the priorities for product family improvement. As shown in Figure 1, fast performance is offered by many new TI product technologies such as AUC (1.8 V), ALVC (3.3 V) and 0 5 10 15 20 25 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 CMOS Voltage, VCC (V) Typical Propagation Delay, tpd (ns) HC AHC AC LVA LVC ALVC AVC AUC Figure 1. CMOS Voltage vs. Speed LV-A (5 V), depending on operating voltage requirements. Other technologies such as AUP focus on delivering “best-in- class” low-power performance. The “Packaging and Marking Information” section shows the wide variety of packaging options offered by TI. Included are advanced surface-mount packages like the fine-pitch, small- outline ball-grid-array (BGA) packages, quad flat no-lead (QFN) packages for gates and octals; and WCSP (NanoStar™/ NanoFree™) packages for single-, dual- and triple-gate functions. The new NanoStar/NanoFree WCSP packages are the world’s smallest logic packages, offering a 70% savings in space over industry-standard SC-70 packages. The “Resources” section provides additional information about TI logic families, including a list of technical literature and an overview of alternate sources for most logic families. Data sheets can be downloaded from the TI web site at www.ti.comor ordered through your local sales office or TI authorized distributor. (See back cover.)