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"Delphi的内存管理机制,包括默认内存管理器、共享内存管理器borlndmm.dll以及第三方内存管理器的讨论。" 在Delphi编程环境中,内存管理是一个至关重要的方面,因为它直接影响到程序的性能和稳定性。Delphi的内存管理器并非内置于最小化内核中,而是作为一个独立的组件,使得开发者在编写程序时可以选择不同的内存管理策略。在处理动态内存的数据类型时,如AnsiString,Delphi的内存管理器就显得尤为关键。 Delphi提供了两种主要的内存管理器:默认内存管理器和共享内存管理器(borlndmm.dll)。默认内存管理器是Delphi的核心组成部分,它负责高效地分配和释放内存。然而,borlndmm.dll是一个专为DLL和主机程序同步设计的内存管理模块,虽然它可能不如定制或第三方内存管理器那么高效。对于那些追求极致性能的应用,开发者可能会考虑使用第三方内存管理器,但这需要对内存管理的底层机制有深入的理解,否则可能导致程序的不稳定甚至崩溃。 Delphi的内存分配主要分为三种类型:通过操作系统API(如VirtualAlloc和HeapAlloc)进行的内存分配,使用Delphi内存管理例程的堆分配,以及通过汇编指令或局部变量定义的栈分配。栈分配通常由编译器自动管理,而堆分配则涉及到更复杂的内存管理策略,包括内存碎片的控制和内存块的追踪。 在Delphi的实现中,内存管理的核心在于GetMem.inc文件,这里封装了操作系统API,使得开发者可以方便地进行内存分配,而不必关注内存实际位于虚拟地址空间的哪个部分或是具体的内存页。这种抽象使得代码更简洁,同时也降低了内存管理的复杂性。 理解Delphi的内存管理器的工作原理对于优化代码性能和避免内存泄漏至关重要。开发人员在尝试替换或自定义内存管理器前,必须深入理解其内部机制,否则可能会引入新的问题。Delphi的设计理念是提供一种既高效又易于使用的内存管理方案,但这也意味着开发者需要对内存管理有全面的认识,才能充分利用这一特性,避免潜在的问题。
2006-02-23 上传
Delphi 中少见的第三方内存管理器,QStrings 的作者 Andrew Driazgov 发布 QMemory is a new memory manager. You can use it as a replacement of the default system memory manager. To do this simply add QMemory unit in your project (as the first unit listed in the project file). Don‘t forget to call the QMemDecommitOverstock function when your application is idle. This subroutine decommits the unused memory blocks (it‘s only way for program to return the memory to the operation system). All allocated memory blocks are 32 byte aligned. The minimum size of the block is 32 bytes. As it is necessary to store some information with each block a dword is attached to the front of each block at -4 the aligned address. Thus, memory request for up to 28 bytes allocates a 32-bytes block, request for 29 to 60 bytes allocates a 64-bytes block, etc (as power of 2). This idea was adopted from HPMM project of Robert Lee (rhlee@optimalcode.com). The memory is committed and decommitted in 64K blocks. The maximum amount of the memory is specified when QMemInstall function is called (from the initialization section of the unit). You can‘t change this value later. If some parts of your program implemented as DLLs you have to use ShareQmm instead of QMemory unit. ShareQmm must be the first unit in your library‘s USES clause AND your project‘s (select Project-View Source) USES clause if some parts of your program have done as separate DLLs (especially if they export any procedures or functions that pass strings as parameters or function results). ShareQmm is the interface unit to the QMM.DLL shared memory manager, which must be deployed along with your DLL. You can‘t combine using of the standard ShareMem and custom ShareQmm memory managers in the same program project (including EXE-file with all DLLs). You can use either ShareMem or ShareQmm, but not both together. ShareQmm memory manager works at the same speed as a ShareMem memory manager with the blocks up to 4096 bytes and much more faster with the larger blocks.