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《802.11无线网络权威指南》第二版是一本深度解析无线网络技术的专业书籍,由美国作者MattheW S.Gast撰写,中文版ISBN: 9787564110062,由东南大学出版社出版,于2007年12月发行。该书针对严谨的系统管理员和网络管理员设计,旨在帮助读者理解和解决无线网络部署和维护中的复杂问题。
此外,书中还包括对无线网卡配置、操作系统(如Linux、Windows和MAC OS X)与接入点设置的指导,以及实用的理论知识和实际操作建议的结合,使得读者能够将理论知识转化为实际操作技能。
最后,MattheW S.Gast丰富的行业经验和专业背景体现在他对身份管理、身份认证协议、联盟网络和动态授权等领域深入的理解,这些知识对于维护现代无线网络环境至关重要。他在Interop Labs的工作经历和全球研讨会的参与,使他能分享最新的网络安全协议和技术。
Extended service areas are the highest-level abstraction supported by 802.11 networks. Access points
in an ESS operate in concert to allow the outside world to use a single MAC address to talk to a station
somewhere within the ESS. In Figure 2-5
, the router uses a single MAC address to deliver frames to a
mobile station; the access point with which that mobile station is associated delivers the frame. The
router remains ignorant of the location of the mobile station and relies on the access points to deliver
the frame.
2.2.2 The Distribution System, Revisited
With an understanding of how an extended service set is built, I'd like to return to the concept of the
distribution system. 802.11 describes the distribution system in terms of the services it provides to
wireless stations. While these services will be described in more detail later in this chapter, it is worth
describing their operation at a high level.
The distribution system provides mobility by connecting access points. When a frame is given to the
distribution system, it is delivered to the right access point and relayed by that access point to the
intended destination.
The distribution system is responsible for tracking where a station is physically located and delivering
frames appropriately. When a frame is sent to a mobile station, the distribution system is charged with
the task of delivering it to the access point serving the mobile station. As an example, consider the
router in Figure 2-5
. The router simply uses the MAC address of a mobile station as its destination.
The distribution system of the ESS pictured in Figure 2-5
must deliver the frame to the right access
point. Obviously, part of the delivery mechanism is the backbone Ethernet, but the backbone network
cannot be the entire distribution system because it has no way of choosing between access points. In
the language of 802.11, the backbone Ethernet is the distribution system medium, but it is not the entire
distribution system.
To find the rest of the distribution system, we need to look to the access points themselves. Most
access points currently on the market operate as bridges. They have at least one wireless network
interface and at least one Ethernet network interface. The Ethernet side can be connected to an existing
network, and the wireless side becomes an extension of that network. Relaying frames between the
two network media is controlled by a bridging engine.
Figure 2-6
illustrates the relationship between the access point, backbone network, and the distribution
system. The access point has two interfaces connected by a bridging engine. Arrows indicate the
potential paths to and from the bridging engine. Frames may be sent by the bridge to the wireless
network; any frames sent by the bridge's wireless port are transmitted to all associated stations. Each
associated station can transmit frames to the access point. Finally, the backbone port on the bridge can
interact directly with the backbone network. The distribution system in Figure 2-6 is composed of the
bridging engine plus the wired backbone network..
Figure 2-6. Distribution system in common 802.11 access point implementations
Every frame sent by a mobile station in an infrastructure network must use the distribution system. It is
easy to understand why interaction with hosts on the backbone network must use the distribution
system. After all, they are connected to the distribution system medium. Wireless stations in an
infrastructure network depend on the distribution system to communicate with each other because they
are not directly connected to each other. The only way for station A to send a frame to station B is by
relaying the frame through the bridging engine in the access point. However, the bridge is a
component of the distribution system. While what exactly makes up the distribution system may seem
like a narrow technical concern, there are some features of the 802.11 MAC that are closely tied to its
interaction with the distribution system. Inter-access point communication as part of the distribution system
Included with this distribution system is a method to manage associations. A wireless station is
associated with only one access point at a time. If a station is associated with one access point, all the
other access points in the ESS need to learn about that station. In Figure 2-5
, AP4 must know about all
the stations associated with AP1. If a wireless station associated with AP4 sends a frame to a station
associated with AP1, the bridging engine inside AP4 must send the frame over the backbone Ethernet
to AP1 so it can be delivered to its ultimate destination. To fully implement the distribution system,
access points must inform other access points of associated stations. Naturally, many access points on
the market use an inter-access point protocol (IAPP) over the backbone medium. There is, however,
no standardized method for communicating association information to other members of an ESS.
Proprietary technology is giving way to standardization, however. One of the major projects in the
IEEE 802.11 working group is the standardization of the IAPP. Wireless bridges and the distribution system
Up to this point, I have tacitly assumed that the distribution system was an existing fixed network.
While this will often be the case, the 802.11 specification explicitly supports using the wireless
medium itself as the distribution system. The wireless distribution system configuration is often called
a "wireless bridge" configuration because it allows network engineers to connect two LANs at the link
layer. Wireless bridges can be used to quickly connect distinct physical locations and are well-suited
for use by access providers. Most 802.11 access points on the market now support the wireless bridge
configuration, though it may be necessary to upgrade the firmware on older units.
2.2.3 Network Boundaries
Because of the nature of the wireless medium, 802.11 networks have fuzzy boundaries. In fact, some
degree of fuzziness is desirable. As with mobile telephone networks, allowing basic service areas to
overlap increases the probability of successful transitions between basic service areas and offers the
highest level of network coverage. The basic service areas on the right of Figure 2-7
significantly. This means that a station moving from BSS2 to BSS4 is not likely to lose coverage; it
also means that AP3 (or, for that matter, AP4) can fail without compromising the network too badly.
On the other hand, if AP2 fails, the network is cut into two disjoint parts, and stations in BSS1 lose
connectivity when moving out of BSS1 and into BSS3 or BSS4.
Figure 2-7. Overlapping BSSs in an ESS
Different types of 802.11 networks may also overlap. Independent BSSs may be created within the
basic service area of an access point. Figure 2-8
illustrates spatial overlap. An access point appears at
the top of the figure; its basic service area is shaded. Two stations are operating in infrastructure mode
and communicate only with the access point. Three stations have been set up as an independent BSS
and communicate with each other. Although the five stations are assigned to two different BSSs, they
may share the same wireless medium. Stations may obtain access to the medium only by using the
rules specified in the 802.11 MAC; these rules were carefully designed to enable multiple 802.11
networks to coexist in the same spatial area. Both BSSs must share the capacity of a single radio
channel, so there may be adverse performance implications from co-located BSSs.
Figure 2-8. Overlapping network types
2.3 802.11 Network Operations
From the outset, 802.11 was designed to be just another link layer to higher-layer protocols. Network
administrators familiar with Ethernet will be immediately comfortable with 802.11. The shared
heritage is deep enough that 802.11 is sometimes referred to as "wireless Ethernet."
The core elements present in Ethernet are present in 802.11. Stations are identified by 48-bit IEEE 802
MAC addresses. Conceptually, frames are delivered based on the MAC address. Frame delivery is
unreliable, though 802.11 incorporates some basic reliability mechanisms to overcome the inherently
poor qualities of the radio channels it uses.
I don't mean "poor" in an absolute sense. But the reliability of wireless transmission is
really not comparable to the reliability of a wired network.
From a user's perspective, 802.11 might just as well be Ethernet. Network administrators, however,
need to be conversant with 802.11 at a much deeper level. Providing MAC-layer mobility while
following the path blazed by previous 802 standards requires a number of additional services and more
complex framing.
2.3.1 Network Services
One way to define a network technology is to define the services it offers and allow equipment
vendors to implement those services in whatever way they see fit. 802.11 provides nine services. Only
three of the services are used for moving data; the remaining six are management operations that allow
the network to keep track of the mobile nodes and deliver frames accordingly.
The services are described in the following list and summarized in Table 2-1:
This service is used by mobile stations in an infrastructure network every time they send data.
nce a frame has been accepted by an access point, it uses the distribution service to deliver
the frame to its destination. Any communication that uses an access point travels through the
distribution service, including communications between two mobile stations associated with
the same access point.
Integration is a service provided by the distribution system; it allows the connection of the
distribution system to a non-IEEE 802.11 network. The integration function is specific to the
distribution system used and therefore is not specified by 802.11, except in terms of the
services it must offer.
Delivery of frames to mobile stations is made possible because mobile stations register, or
associate, with access points. The distribution system can then use the registration information
to determine which access point to use for any mobile station. Unassociated stations are not
"on the network," much like workstations with unplugged Ethernet cables. 802.11 specifies
the function that must be provided by the distribution system using the association data, but it
does not mandate any particular implementation.
When a mobile station moves between basic service areas within a single extended service
area, it must evaluate signal strength and perhaps switch the access point with which it is
associated. Reassociations are initiated by mobile stations when signal conditions indicate that
a different association would be beneficial; they are never initiated by the access point. After
the reassociation is complete, the distribution system updates its location records to reflect the
reachability of the mobile station through a different access point.
To terminate an existing association, stations may use the disassociation service. When
stations invoke the disassociation service, any mobility data stored in the distribution system
is removed. Once disassociation is complete, it is as if the station is no longer attached to the
network. Disassociation is a polite task to do during the station shutdown process. The MAC
is, however, designed to accommodate stations that leave the network without formally
Physical security is a major component of a wired LAN security solution. Network attachment
points are limited, often to areas in offices behind perimeter access control devices. Network
equipment can be secured in locked wiring closets, and data jacks in offices and cubicles can
be connected to the network only when needed. Wireless networks cannot offer the same level
of physical security, however, and therefore must depend on additional authentication routines
to ensure that users accessing the network are authorized to do so. Authentication is a
necessary prerequisite to association because only authenticated users are authorized to use
the network. (In practice, though, many access points are configured for "open-system"
authentication and will authenticate any station.)
Deauthentication terminates an authenticated relationship. Because authentication is needed
before network use is authorized, a side effect of deauthentication is termination of any
current association.
Strong physical controls can prevent a great number of attacks on the privacy of data in a
wired LAN. Attackers must obtain physical access to the network medium before attempting
to eavesdrop on traffic. On a wired network, physical access to the network cabling is a subset
of physical access to other computing resources. By design, physical access to wireless
networks is a comparatively simpler matter of using the correct antenna and modulation
methods. To offer a similar level of privacy, 802.11 provides an optional privacy service
called Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP). WEP is not ironclad security—in fact, it has been
proven recently that breaking WEP is easily within the capabilities of any laptop (for more
information, see Chapter 5
). Its purpose is to provide roughly equivalent privacy to a wired
network by encrypting frames as they travel across the 802.11 air interface. Depending on
your level of cynicism, you may or may not think that WEP achieves its goal; after all, it's not
that hard to access the Ethernet cabling in a traditional network. In any case, do not assume
that WEP provides more than minimal security. It prevents other users from casually
appearing on your network, but that's about all.
One of O'Reilly's offices had a strange situation in which apparent "interlopers"
appeared on the network. They eventually discovered that their ESS overlapped
a company in a neighboring office building, and "foreign" laptops were simply
associating with the access point that had the strongest signal. WEP solves
problems like this but will not withstand a deliberate attack on your network.
MSDU delivery
Networks are not much use without the ability to get the data to the recipient. Stations provide
the MAC Service Data Unit (MSDU) delivery service, which is responsible for getting the
data to the actual endpoint.
Table 2-1. Network services
Station or distribution
Distribution Distribution
Service used in frame delivery to determine
address in infrastructure networks
Integration Distribution
Frame delivery to an IEEE 802 LAN outside the wireless
Association Distribution
Used to establish the AP which serves as the gateway to a
particular mobile station
Reassociation Distribution
Used to change the AP which serves as the gateway to a
particular mobile station
Disassociation Distribution Removes the wireless station from the network
Authentication Station Establishes identity prior to establishing association
Deauthentication Station
Used to terminate authentication, and by extension,
Privacy Station Provides protection against eavesdropping
MSDU delivery Station Delivers data to the recipient
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