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The study "Characteristics of a Thin-Walled Microtube Refractive Index Sensor Based on Whispering Gallery Mode" investigates the properties of optical microcavity sensors with whispering gallery resonant modes. These sensors have high quality factors and small mode volumes, making them valuable in various applications such as cavity quantum electrodynamics, nonlinear optics, and high-sensitivity sensors. The sensor described in the study is a thin-walled microtube refractive index sensor, which is based on the whispering gallery mode. This sensor offers small size, high sensitivity, and low detection limits, making it suitable for lab and field applications. The study provides insights into the performance and characteristics of this sensor, highlighting its potential in the field of smart transportation within the Internet of Things.
2022-07-14 上传
2022-07-14 上传
2022-07-12 上传
2022-07-13 上传
2022-07-13 上传
2022-07-13 上传
- 粉丝: 4
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