High-contrast, high-resolution photochromic
silicone polymer based on photoswitchable
building blocks
Kristin Springfeld,* Volker Dieckmann, and Mirco Imlau
Department of Physics, Osnabrück University, Barbarastraße 7, 49076 Osnabrück, Germany
*Corresponding author: kspringf@uos.de
Received July 19, 2013; revised September 6, 2013; accepted September 7, 2013;
posted September 10, 2013 (Doc. ID 194127); published November 19, 2013
The implementation of photoinduced linkage isomerism in molecular-based optical materials represents a prom-
ising approach for the synthesis of high-contrast, high-resolution photosensitive materials that are necessary for
high-density (holographic) data storage and/or real-three-dimensional (holographic) displays. The unsolved task
of embedding a photofunctional coordination complex into a matrix like polymer polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS)
with photoinduced isomerism of a SO-bond in the sulfoxide compound Rubpy
is addressed. This
approach allows to preserve the spectral properties within the solid dielectric environment, with an impact of
PDMS on population and relaxation dynamics. All data are discussed in the framework of photofunctionality,
storage, and display applications. © 2013 Chinese Laser Press
OCIS codes: (210.0210) Optical data storage; (090.2870) Holographic display; (090.2900) Optical storage
materials; (160.5335) Photosensitive materials; (160.5470) Polymers.
The combination of nanoscaled, photofunctional building
blocks to complex functional materials with macroscopic
effects represents a crucial step toward applications of the
next generation in nonlinear optics and photonics. A promi-
nent example is optical materials built from small photo-
switchable coordination compounds [
1]. The photo-physics
and -chemistry of the relevant molecular classes have been
studied comprehensively on the molecular level in recent dec-
ades. Their immense potential for the control of light by light
is ascribed to their intrinsic photofunctionality of photoin-
duced refractive-index changes on the molecular level, which
has been demonstrated as a general property of coordination
compounds featuring photoinduced linkage isomerism [
Recording of dynamic, high-resolution Bragg gratings with
diffraction efficiencies of more than 90% in a 200 μm thick
sample was successfully demonstrated [
3], which exceeds
the properties of classical photorefractive materials by one
order of magnitude for the same thickness [
4]. Apparently,
a three-dimensional (3D) matrix of small photoswitchable
coordination compounds is the key for visionary applications
like real-time, three-dimensional holographic displays [
optical and holographic data storage [
However, the combination of these molecules and bulky
media with appropriate macroscopic function (see, e.g., [8])
and optical quality is to be solved. The most prominent
state-of-the-art strategies are as follows: (i) Single crystal
growth from aqueous solutions [
9]. This enabled structural
analysis of photoinduced linkage isomerism by means of
x ray [
10] or neutron diffractometry [11] in photocrystallogra-
phy [
12,13]. (ii) Linkage of functional molecules to a polymeric
side [
14–17] with the obvious advantage of the huge density of
the compounds within the polymer [18]. (iii) Electrostatic
attachment to charged anchors (without losing the photofunc-
tionality [
19]). (iv) Embedding into a nanostructured matrix,
for instance into mesopores of xerogels [
20]. Further strategies
are required if the costs of chemical synthesis; the stability of
photofunctionality on the long term; and the synthesis of
homogeneous, bulky media with large dimensions, as well
as a sufficient transmission and low density of scattering
centers, must be considered for the case of applications.
In this contribution, we present photochromic silicone poly-
mers based on the coordination compound Rubpy
(OSO) from the class of ruthenium sulfoxides [21]. Its photo-
physics is characterized by a photoinduced linkage isomeriza-
tion from an S- to O-bonded Ru atom [
22]. Already, it has been
demonstrated with solutions of OSO in dichloromethane
(DCM) that these compounds facilitate the essential require-
ments such as high sensitivity, pronounced photorefractive
properties, and a high spatial resolution for use in the new
photonic devices [
8]. Here, solid-state materials of OSO were
prepared by embedding it into dielectric polydimethylsiloxane
(PDMS). PDMS offers a high transmission of T>80% in the
visible/NIR spectral range. Furthermore, it is temperature-
stable (−50°C <T <200°C), inexpensive, and nontoxic
and provides a high chemical stability. With these OSO com-
pounds embedded in PDMS, we first addressed the question
whether the solid dielectric environment has an impact on
the principle photofunctionality of the compounds. For this
purpose the steady-state and light-induced absorption were
measured and compared with the results obtained for OSO
in a DCM solution. Particularly the dynamics of both popula-
tion and thermal decay are affected significantly, while the
spectral fingerprints show only slight modifications. Second,
Springfeld et al. Vol. 1, No. 4 / December 2013 / Photon. Res. 197
2327-9125/13/040197-05 © 2013 Chinese Laser Press