transformations from this extended class it is not always possible to obtain an -form.
The simplest example where an -form is impossible is given by the two-loop propagator
sunset diagram with three identical masses. In this example, as well in other known
examples without -form, DE can still be reduced to the form where the right-hand side of
the differential system is a linear function of .
However, ‘integrating out’ the constant term in such a form of DE appears to be an
essentially more complicated problem. This can be seen in the known examples where
results are expressed in terms of elliptic functions. In practice, it can happen that such
‘elliptic’ master integrals appear only in a small number of sectors. (A sector is specified by
a distribution of the set of indices (powers of propagators) into positive and non-positive
values.) A first example of a calculation of a full set of the master integrals with ‘elliptic
sectors’ can be found in ref. [21]. A recent example of a calculation relevant to a physical
problem is ref. [22], where elliptic functions appear only in two sectors and final results
are expressed either in terms of multiple polylogarithms or, for the elliptic sectors and for
some sectors involving complicated letters with square roots, in terms of two and three-fold
iterated integrals suitable for numerical evaluation. Moreover, in refs. [23, 24] a strategy to
obtain parametric representations for master integrals applicable also in situations without
-form was described and illustrated through one-, two- and three-loop examples.
Other examples of calculations of individual Feynman integrals in situations where
-form is impossible can be found in [25, 26] (see also references therein), where results are
expressed in terms of elliptic generalizations of polylogarithms [25] or iterated integrals of
modular forms [26]. One more class of elliptic generalization of multiple polylogarithms
was recently introduced in ref. [27]. In particular, it includes functions appearing in the
-expansion of the imaginary part of the two-loop massive sunset diagram. However, these
new functions do not have the same status as harmonic polylogarithms and multiple poly-
logarithms, at least in the practical sense, i.e. there are no codes to evaluate them at a
given point with a desired precision. Anyway, it looks like we are very far, even in lower
loops orders, from answering the following question: ‘What is the class of functions which
can appear in results for Feynman integrals in situations where -form is impossible’?
On the other hand, thinking positively, we may say that knowing a differential system
and the corresponding boundary conditions gives almost as much information about Feyn-
man integrals as knowing their explicit expressions in terms of some class of functions. In
fact, some properties of the integrals are even more accessible via DE. In particular, singu-
larities of DE provide a way to examine the branching properties of integrals. Numerical
values of the integrals can be obtained from a numerical solution
of the differential system.
Many computer algebra systems contain tools to solve this task (e.g. NDSolve procedure in
Mathematica system). However, there is one complication that does not allow to use these
tools immediately. Namely, we would like to keep as a variable and evaluate solutions of
DE as series expansions in .
Recently, a strict criterion of the existence of an -form was presented in ref. [20].
Examples of solving DE for Feynman integrals numerically can be found in refs. [28, 29].
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