
需积分: 2 1 下载量 78 浏览量 更新于2024-03-12 收藏 6.5MB PDF 举报
The Mitsubishi PLC Function Block Design Manual is a comprehensive guide that provides clear and detailed instructions on the methods and steps for designing function blocks. The guide includes a section on how to read the guide, which outlines the symbols used and their descriptions and examples. Terms and abbreviations, such as FB, are also explained in detail, providing users with a thorough understanding of the content. The guide uses symbols to convey important information, such as instructions and operational notes. For example, the symbol for information you need to know instructs users to select specific options from a menu, while the symbol for content that must be noted in operation reminds users to turn off the power when dismounting a module. Overall, the guide serves as a valuable resource for those seeking to design function blocks for Mitsubishi PLC systems, offering clear explanations and practical examples to support the design process.