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本文介绍了基于Matlab的光学衍射仿真实用文档,详细讨论了光学试验中衍射实验的重要性。光的衍射现象为光的波动说提供了有力的证据,衍射系统由光源、衍射屏和接受屏组成。按照它们相互距离的大小可将衍射分为夫琅禾费衍射和菲涅尔衍射。本文利用Matlab软件建立了数学模型,对衍射光强分布进行了编程运算,进行了衍射实验的仿真。最后创建了交互式GUI界面,用户可以通过改变输入参数模拟不同条件下的衍射条纹。本文对于衍射概念、区别、原理及光强分布编程做了详细全面的介绍,关键字包括Matlab、衍射、仿真、GUI界面、光学实验。Matlab-based Simulation of Optical Diffraction ExperimentAbstractOptical diffraction experiment is very important in optical experiments. Diffraction of light refers to the phenomenon that light can bypass the edges of obstacles when propagating. The diffraction phenomenon provides strong evidence for the wave theory of light. A diffraction system generally consists of a light source, a diffraction screen, and a receiving screen. Diffraction can be divided into Fraunhofer diffraction and Fresnel diffraction based on the distances between the diffraction screen, light source, and receiving screen. This document uses Matlab software to establish mathematical models of typical diffraction phenomena, perform programming calculations of diffraction light intensity distribution, and simulate diffraction experiments. Finally, an interactive GUI interface is created, allowing users to simulate diffraction fringes under different conditions by changing input parameters. This document provides a detailed and comprehensive introduction to diffraction concepts, distinctions, principles, and programming of light intensity distribution, with keywords including Matlab, diffraction, simulation, GUI interface, and optical experiments.
2021-11-16 上传
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