Faster and Smaller N -Gram Language Models
Adam Pauls Dan Klein
Computer Science Division
University of California, Berkeley
N-gram language models are a major resource
bottleneck in machine translation. In this pa-
per, we present several language model imple-
mentations that are both highly compact and
fast to query. Our fastest implementation is
as fast as the widely used SRILM while re-
quiring only 25% of the storage. Our most
compact representation can store all 4 billion
n-grams and associated counts for the Google
n-gram corpus in 23 bits per n-gram, the most
compact lossless representation to date, and
even more compact than recent lossy compres-
sion techniques. We also discuss techniques
for improving query speed during decoding,
including a simple but novel language model
caching technique that improves the query
speed of our language models (and SRILM)
by up to 300%.
1 Introduction
For modern statistical machine translation systems,
language models must be both fast and compact.
The largest language models (LMs) can contain as
many as several hundred billion n-grams (Brants
et al., 2007), so storage is a challenge. At the
same time, decoding a single sentence can trig-
ger hundreds of thousands of queries to the lan-
guage model, so speed is also critical. As al-
ways, trade-offs exist between time, space, and ac-
curacy, with many recent papers considering small-
but-approximate noisy LMs (Chazelle et al., 2004;
Guthrie and Hepple, 2010) or small-but-slow com-
pressed LMs (Germann et al., 2009).
In this paper, we present several lossless meth-
ods for compactly but efficiently storing large LMs
in memory. As in much previous work (Whittaker
and Raj, 2001; Hsu and Glass, 2008), our meth-
ods are conceptually based on tabular trie encodings
wherein each n-gram key is stored as the concatena-
tion of one word (here, the last) and an offset encod-
ing the remaining words (here, the context). After
presenting a bit-conscious basic system that typifies
such approaches, we improve on it in several ways.
First, we show how the last word of each entry can
be implicitly encoded, almost entirely eliminating
its storage requirements. Second, we show that the
deltas between adjacent entries can be efficiently en-
coded with simple variable-length encodings. Third,
we investigate block-based schemes that minimize
the amount of compressed-stream scanning during
To speed up our language models, we present two
approaches. The first is a front-end cache. Caching
itself is certainly not new to language modeling, but
because well-tuned LMs are essentially lookup ta-
bles to begin with, naive cache designs only speed
up slower systems. We present a direct-addressing
cache with a fast key identity check that speeds up
our systems (or existing fast systems like the widely-
used, speed-focused SRILM) by up to 300%.
Our second speed-up comes from a more funda-
mental change to the language modeling interface.
Where classic LMs take word tuples and produce
counts or probabilities, we propose an LM that takes
a word-and-context encoding (so the context need
not be re-looked up) and returns both the probabil-
ity and also the context encoding for the suffix of the
original query. This setup substantially accelerates
the scrolling queries issued by decoders, and also
exploits language model state equivalence (Li and
Khudanpur, 2008).
Overall, we are able to store the 4 billion n-grams
of the Google Web1T (Brants and Franz, 2006) cor-