X. Ye et al.: Efficient Stereo Matching Leveraging Deep Local and Context Information
FIGURE 1. Overview of the proposed approach. The framework consists of two key parts: (1) matching cost estimation net and (2) disparity
refinement net. D
and D
denote the raw disparity maps related to the minimum and second minimum aggregated cost.
Despite of the previous steps, the raw disparity map gained
directly by WTA still contains many outliers, especially
in occlusions, textureless regions and disparity disconti-
nuities. To achieve higher accuracy, various refinement
approaches are harnessed to identify and correct outliers.
Left-right consistency check [1] is widely undertaken to
detect outliers. Weighted median filtering [24] based on
guided image [25] and bilateral weights [26] are employed
to refine aggregated results. Segmentation-based and plane
fitting [15], [27] methods handle weakly-textured regions
well but are time-consuming and subject to the quality of
segmentation. Instead of treating outliers uniformly, multi-
step processing [13], [28]–[30] achieves more competitive
results. Hirschmuller [15] distinguished occlusions from
mismatches by epipolar line, nevertheless, it will fail in
large mismatched area with weak texture, where a pixel
can still be marked as correct even if it has wrong dis-
parities on both maps. Besides, it produces threadlike out-
liers due to its discrete characteristic. Neighboring nearest
and minimal valid disparity were assigned to mismatched
and occluded points respectively based on support region
voting [11] or scanline interpolation [31]. Zhan et al. [13]
performed four-direction propagation to correct inner outliers
and took account of the variation of circumjacent dispar-
ities when handling the leftmost outliers. Concerning the
occlusions, Huq et al. [32] studied the theories and experi-
ments of occlusion filling. Yamaguchi et al. [33] proposed a
slanted plane model for jointly recovering an image segmen-
tation, a dense depth estimate as well as occlusion boundary.
Very recently, Gidaris et al. [10] introduced a deep structured
model to decompose the task into three sub-blocks. It took
advantage of deep CNNs to identify and correct outliers with
the information of left color image and left initial disparity
In contrast to previous works that employ various refine-
ment algorithms singly to the initial disparity map obtained
by WTA, we also take advantage of the sub-optimal disparity
map corresponding to the second minimum cost, since it
contains favorable information that is not reflected in the
WTA-oriented disparity map. Inspired by [10], rather than
constructing a black box architecture, we decompose the
problem into a sequence of subtasks under the guidance of
our understanding.
The proposed approach mainly focuses on the matching cost
computation and the disparity refinement step. We achieve
this by two independent networks rather than a blind end-
to-end network because we believe that the typical pipeline
of solving stereo problems can explicitly guide the process.
An overview of our approach is illustrated in Fig. 1. The
output of the first network is used to initialize the matching
cost and is then aggregated by semi-global matching. Next the
disparity labels associated with two smallest costs are chosen
and employed in the follow-up refinement network.
The baseline work [3] adopts a Siamese network to com-
pute the similarity by simple dot product or fully-connected
layers, corresponding to the fast and accurate networks. The
two sub-networks each takes in a small patch extracted
from left and right images and outputs two feature vec-
tors by passing through several convolutional layers with
shared weights. An overview of baseline Siamese network is
depicted in Fig. 2(a). Note that the patch size in [3] is con-
strained to 11 × 11 with the exclusion of pooling unit. This is
because the conventional strided pooling reduces resolution
and could cause the loss of fine details, which is unsuitable
for dense correspondence estimation. As a result, the baseline
work [3] merely learns relatively local knowledge. To enlarge
the receptive field without losing resolution, a pyramid pool-
ing module is appended to the end of the fully connected
layers in [16] to learn multi-scale information (see Fig. 2(b)).
To obtain the similarity score, the pooling module in [16]
as well as the fully-connected modules have to be recom-
puted for each possible disparity, causing D
times’ extra
computation, where D
is the maximum disparity level.
The training procedure takes as long as several weeks and
the testing process is more than four times slower compared
to [3].
In contrast, we introduce a multi-size and multi-layer pool-
ing module with stride equals to one and append this module
before the fully-connected layers, which only needs to be
VOLUME 5, 2017 18747