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《More iPhone Development with Objective-C 第三版》是由Alex Horovitz、David Mark、Jayant Varma、Jeff LaMarche和Kevin Kim共同编著的一本专业书籍,专为提升iOS开发者技能而设计。本书针对那些希望超越基础编程的iOS程序员,尤其是对于已经有一定iOS编程经验但希望进一步提升技能的开发者来说,是一本理想的选择。它不仅作为《Beginning iPhone Development with Objective-C》的补充读物,也适合初次接触iPad应用开发的新手。 全书共512页,使用英文编写,由Apress出版社于2015年5月21日出版。ISBN-10:1430260378,ISBN-13:9781430260370。该书的核心内容围绕苹果持久化标准——Core Data展开,作者通过详尽步骤讲解每个概念,并提供定制化代码片段,供读者在自己的应用程序中灵活运用,特别关注大型应用的开发技巧。 书中涵盖了许多关键主题,如MapKit的使用,如何在应用内集成邮件和音乐库功能,从网络和云端获取数据(包括Apple的iCloud),利用摄像头扫描条形码并整合到应用中,以及在Interface Builder中实现Live Previews和自定义控件等。此外,还涉及高级调试技术以及单元测试和Instruments的使用。 学习本书,读者将掌握如何嵌入地图、访问用户音乐库、处理云数据、集成相机功能、创建定制界面组件和使用故事板进行预览,以及进行有效的应用程序调试。尽管对Objective-C编程有一定了解是有益的,但并非强制要求,因为本书旨在为iOS开发者提供实用且易于理解的指导。 本书适合作为《More iOS 6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK》的补充,适合那些希望深入了解iOS SDK新特性的开发者,无论他们处于何种技术水平,都能从中受益匪浅。版权信息显示,所有权利归作者和出版商所有,复制或重印需遵循版权法规定。
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If you are looking to extend your iOS programming skills beyond the basics then More iPhone Development with Objective-C is for you. Authors Dave Mark, Jayant Varma, Jeff LaMarche, Alex Horovitz, and Kevin Kim explain concepts as only they can—with code snippets you can customize and use, as you like, in your own apps. More iPhone Development with Objective-C is an independent companion to Beginning iPhone Development with Objective-C. That is, it is a perfect second book, but it is also a great book for those looking to improve their skills who have already programmed for iOS. In particular it includes a series of chapters devoted to Core Data, the standard for Apple persistence. The authors carefully step through each Core Data concept and show techniques and tips specifically for writing larger apps—offering a breadth of coverage you won’t find anywhere else. More iPhone Development with Objective-C covers a variety of other topics, including Multipeer Connectivity’s relatively simple Bluetooth/WiFi peer-to-peer model, MapKit, and media library access and playback so that your applications can utilize media on your users’ computer. You’ll also find coverage of Interface Builder, Live Previews and Custom Controls and some advanced techniques for debugging your applications. The book is filled with useful topics that will bring your programs up-to-date with the new functionality built into iOS. What you’ll learn How to embed maps with Map Kit and use in-application email How to access a user’s iPod music library and integrate music into apps Working with data from the web and the cloud, including Apple’s iCloud Using the Camera to integrate into your apps, scan and create barcodes Live previews from Interface Builder to create custom components and frameworks Who this book is for This book serves as a complementary book to More iOS 6 Development: Further Explorations of the iOS SDK and is suitable for those aspiring app developers new to iPad app development. Prior Objective-C programming experience would be helpful, but not required. Table of Contents Chapter 1: Here We Go Round Again Chapter 2: Core Data, What, Why and How Chapter 3: A Super Start Chapter 4: The Devil in the Detail View Chapter 5: Preparing for Change: Migrations and Versioning Chapter 6: Custom Managed Objects Chapter 7: Relationships, Fetched Properties, and Expressions Chapter 8: Behind Every iCloud Chapter 9: Peer-to-Peer Over Bluetooth Using Multipeer Connectivity Chapter 10: MapKit Chapter 11: Messaging: Mail, Social, and iMessage Chapter 12: Media Library Access and Playback Chapter 13: Lights, Camera and Action Chapter 14: Interface Builder and Storyboards Chapter 15: Unit Testing, Debugging, and Instruments Chapter 16: The Road Goes Ever On