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的字段都必须使用双引号引起来,""中可以包含空格,不许有单引号('),而且大小写不敏感。 第五课:dml 1.insert into 表名 values(值列表); 2.update 表名 set 列名=新值 where 条件 3.delete from 表名 where 条件 第六课:DDL 1.create table 2.alter table 3.drop table 第七课:DCL 1.grant 2.revoke 3.commit 4.rollback 第八课:约束 1.字段级约束 2.表级约束 3.外键约束 第九课:内置函数 1.单行函数 2.分组函数 3.通用函数 第十课:Object 1.view 2.index 3.synonym 提供: 多年临床经验和研究生、进修医师教育培训经验,经历中国著名三甲医疗机构(如:北京天坛医院,首都医科大学附属北京天坛医院)多年临床工作经验及深厚的医学理论功底。擅长结合医患双方的诉求,深入浅出地传授医学专业知识,引导医患双方正确理解医学知识,促进医患双方的沟通交流,促使医生接受专业知识及规避医患纠纷;深入浅出地传授医学专业知识,引导医患双方正确理解医学知识,促进医患双方的沟通交流,促使医生接受专业知识及规避医患纠纷。igonometry as a student. I enjoy improving myself to be a more efficient and productive individual. I am fluent in English, Chinese Mandarin, and Cantonese. I am also a quick learner, having learned and mastered basic conversational French in a short period. I have a strong sense of duty and have demonstrated good organizational and analytical skills throughout my academic and professional career. I have a strong foundation in mathematics, especially in calculus and trigonometry as a student. I enjoy improving myself to be a more efficient and productive individual. I am fluent in English, Chinese Mandar.
2022-01-12 上传