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In recent years, with the rapid development of the economy and the improvement of medical standards, people have become more concerned about their health, leading to the rapid growth of retail pharmacies. Retail pharmacies offer a wide variety and large quantity of drugs to meet the diverse needs of users. However, with the significant increase in sales volume and revenue, manual bookkeeping and manual management are no longer sufficient to meet the needs of large-scale pharmacies. There is an urgent need for pharmacies to improve their management mechanisms and enhance operational efficiency.
This paper describes the implementation of a pharmacy management system that relies on computers to record drug sales, as well as inventory and outflow situations. The system allows for the modification of drug prices, quantities, as well as staff names, phone numbers, and levels. It also enables users to query drug details such as name, expiration date, quantity, price, sales orders, inventory in and out orders, supplier details, and staff information. The system is developed using the JAVA language, with MyEclipse-2015 software as the development platform, and JDBC technology to connect to an Oracle database. Testing has shown that this system not only greatly improves the dispensing efficiency of pharmacy staff, but also significantly enhances the work efficiency and management performance of pharmacy management personnel.
Keywords: Pharmacy management system; JAVA language; JDBC technology; Oracle database.
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