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The design of an intelligent car controlled by a single-chip microcontroller is presented in this paper. The AT89C51 microcontroller is used as the control core for the car, and the L298 chip is employed to implement control of the car's forward, backward, left and right movements, as well as speed control. Additionally, the microcontroller automatically plays the corresponding music and lights up the corresponding color LED based on the situation detected by the ultrasonic sensor, achieving automatic obstacle avoidance and audio-visual alarm functions. Furthermore, the design utilizes the LCD1602 liquid crystal display to show the car's mileage and real-time date and time. The first line of the LCD display shows the mileage calculated based on the pulse count obtained from the Hall element A44E, and the second line shows the real-time date and time obtained from the DS1302 clock chip, achieving the function of liquid crystal display. In summary, the design successfully achieves the requirements of automatic obstacle avoidance, liquid crystal display, and audio-visual alarm functions. Key words: AT89C51; L298; DS1302; LCD.
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2023-07-06 上传
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- 粉丝: 67
- 资源: 30万+
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