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Introduction to MATLAB for Engineers, Third Edition is a comprehensive guide that covers numerical methods for calculus and differential equations. The integral of a function f(x) is interpreted as the area under the curve of f(x) from x = a to x = b. In Chapter 9, various numerical methods for calculating integrals are discussed, including rectangular and trapezoidal numerical integration. In MATLAB, the quad and quadl commands are commonly used for numerical integration. The quad command uses an adaptive Simpson's rule to compute integrals, while the quadl command uses a non-adaptive version of the Simpson's rule. These commands are useful for approximating the value of integrals when analytical solutions are not easily obtainable. In Figure 9.1-1 on page 370 of the PowerPoint slides, an illustration of rectangular and trapezoidal numerical integration is shown. These methods divide the area under the curve into smaller rectangles or trapezoids, allowing for a more accurate approximation of the integral. Overall, the use of MATLAB for numerical methods in calculus and differential equations is an essential tool for engineers and scientists. By understanding and utilizing numerical integration techniques, MATLAB users can solve complex mathematical problems with ease and efficiency. The flexibility and adaptability of MATLAB make it a valuable resource for a wide range of applications in engineering, science, and technology.