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本课件对话框设计的内容主要包括模态对话框和非模态对话框。对话框程序架构包括对话框的数据交换与校验、对话框类与文档视图类通信。模态对话框和非模态对话框的比较,以及非模态对话框特点的形成和非模态对话框与应用程序之间的通信。对话框的架构包括资源和代码两个部分。资源部分包括对话框的模板资源,而代码部分则包括对话框类,它是从CDialog派生而来,以提供一个程序接口,用于管理对话框。此外,还介绍了面向对象的思想在对话框设计中的应用,包括如何创建对话框,以及如何加入新的数据成员和成员函数。通过本课件的学习,读者将了解到对话框的设计和实现的基本步骤,以及如何通过对话框与应用程序进行数据交互和通信。 Overall, the lecture provides a comprehensive introduction to the design and implementation of dialog boxes in Windows program development. It covers both modal and modeless dialog boxes, their program architecture, data exchange and validation, communication between dialog box and document-view classes, and the use of object-oriented principles in dialog box design. It also explains the steps to create a dialog box, including the design of its template resource and the addition of new data members and member functions. Through this lecture, readers will gain a solid understanding of the fundamental processes involved in dialog box design and the ways in which dialog boxes can interact and communicate with applications.