Vol. 11(20), pp. 213-220, 30 October, 2016
DOI: 10.5897/SRE2015. 6292
Article Number: 1E8BDF161051
ISSN 1992-2248
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article
Scientific Research and Essays
Full Length Research Paper
A new gateway node for wireless sensor network
Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, Gazi University, 06500, Ankara, Turkey.
Received 30 June, 2015; Accepted 12 February, 2016
Wireless sensor network based applications have gained a significant importance in recent years.
However, it creates problems when sending the detected data over distant stations even though
establishment of sensor networks by means of ZigBee communication modules as the communication
range of these modules are limited. For this reason, in this study, design of a gateway node which can
be used in the sensor network applications was developed. The gateway node developed consists of a
CC2530 ZigBee Module, an MSP430G2553 ultra low power microcontroller and a SIM900 GSM/GPRS
module. As a result of this node, the sudden changes can be sent as data packets (SMS), also, the data
can easily be monitored on web based and mobile platforms. It is anticipated that the study will be
useful for the researchers conducting sensor network applications.
Key words: Wireless sensor networks, ZigBee, sensor node, gateway node.
The wireless networks using sensors for monitoring
physical or environmental conditions in diversified
locations such as temperature, humidity, light, pressure,
pollution, soil constituents, noise level, vibration and
object movements in a cooperative way and containing
devices working independently from each other are called
“wireless sensor networks” (Akyildiz et al., 2002).
As for the nodes that are used in wireless sensor
networks and that have the capabilities of calculation,
perceptual data collection and communication with the
other connected sensors in the network are called sensor
nodes (Chong and Kumar, 2003).
Sensor nodes fundamentally consist of the main
constituents of a microcontroller, a transceiver, an
external memory, a power source and a sensor (Gupta et
al., 2013). The field of use of Wireless Sensor Networks
increases each passing day. The Wireless Sensor
Networks can be used in military applications containing
guarding of battle grounds, monitoring of enemy
movements, exploring of the land, tracking of military and
personnel vehicles, monitoring of friendly forces and
speeds and locations of the targets; in environmental
applications containing forecasting of weather and air
pollution, tracking of natural disasters such as flood,
earthquake and forest fires, monitoring of agricultural
activities and monitoring of animal farms; in medical
E-mail: muratdener@gazi.edu.tr.
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