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机械设计理论是经济学与规划领域中的一个重要分支,主要探讨如何通过设计机制来引导和激励参与者的决策行为,确保资源配置的有效性和公平性。在Debasis Mishra的《机制设计理论》一书中,作者从理论基础到实际应用,深入探讨了这个领域的关键概念。 1. **私人信息与效用转移**:在理论框架中,卖家通常拥有关于物品价值的私有信息,即每个买家对物品的估值。机制设计者的目标是设计出一个拍卖或其他交易方式,使得卖家能够通过信息揭示来最大化收益,同时确保买家的诚实披露其真实偏好。 2. **偏好模型**:机制设计的核心是理解买方的偏好结构,如单峰、凸偏好或无差异曲线等。这有助于构建满足公平性和效率要求的决策规则,如社会选择函数,它定义了从所有人的偏好中选择最佳结果的方式。 3. **主导策略激励兼容性**:一个重要的设计原则是保证机制下的最优行为是参与者的主导策略(dominant strategy),即无论其他参与者做什么,他们都应该选择报告真实价值,这样可以避免策略性欺骗,实现市场效率。 4. **贝叶斯激励兼容性**:当信息不完全时,考虑贝叶斯推理的机制设计更为复杂。即使存在不确定性,理想机制应该使参与者在任何可能的信号下都有报告真实信息的动机。 **转移与近似线性关系**:机制设计中引入了支付转移的概念,用来平衡各方的利益。例如,支付函数不仅要保证卖方向买家收取合理费用,还要确保买家愿意参与。在近似线性关系的假设下,机制设计者寻求一种方式,使分配规则既有效率又能激励兼容。 - **Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG)机制**:这是一种著名的拍卖机制,其中支付根据每个参与者对整体福利的影响来确定,鼓励参与者如实报价,因为他们的私人信息不会影响自身的支付。VCG机制适用于单一物品拍卖、组合拍卖以及赞助搜索广告等领域。 - **Affine最大化器分配规则**:这些规则强调在满足效率的前提下,通过简单的加权平均或其他线性方法分配资源,确保机制的实施性。 总结来说,Debasis Mishra的《机制设计理论》提供了一套完整的框架,用于理解和设计在经济交易中如何利用信息和支付手段来优化资源配置,确保市场效率和参与者的激励相一致。该书涵盖了理论基础、具体模型、实例分析以及关键机制的详细讨论,是机械设计理论研究的重要参考资料。

Rab GTPases serve as master regulators of membrane trafficking. They can be activated by guanine nucleotide exchange factors (GEF) and be inactivated by GTPase-activating proteins (GAPs). The roles of some GAPs have been explored in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, but are largely unknown in filamentous fungi. Here, we investigated the role of GAP Gyp3 gene, an ortholog of S. cerevisiae Gyp3, in an entomopathogenic fungus, Metarhizium acridum. We found that MaGyp3 is mainly localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) of vegetative hyphae, nuclei of mature conidia, and both ER and nuclei in invasive hyphae. Lack of MaGyp3 caused a decreased tolerance to hyperosmotic stress, heat-shock and UV-B radiation. Moreover, the ΔMaGyp3 mutant showed a significantly decreased pathogenicity owing to delayed germination, reduced appressorium-mediated penetration and impaired invasive growth. Loss of MaGyp3 also caused impaired fungal growth, advanced conidiation and defects in utilization of carbon and nitrogen sources, while overexpression of MaGyp3 exhibited delayed conidiation on nutrient-rich medium and conidiation pattern shift from microcycle conidiation to normal conidiation on nutrient-limited medium. Mavib-1, a tanscription factor invloved in conidiation by affecting nutrient utilizaiton, can directly bind to the promoter of MaGyp3. ΔMaGyp3 and ΔMavib-1 mutants shared similar phenotypes, and overexpression mutants of MaGyp3 and Mavib-1 (Mavib-1-OE) exhibited similar phenotypes in growth, conidiation and pathogenicity. Reintroduction of the Magyp3 driven by strong promoter gpd in ΔMavib-1 mutant recovered the defects in growth and conidiation for dysfunction of Mavib1. Taken together, our findings uncovered the role of GAP3 in a filamentous pathogenic fungus and and illustrated the upstream regulatory mechanism by direct interaction with Mavib-1.请用nature杂志的风格润色成学术论文的形式。

2023-02-10 上传
2023-06-04 上传

Unlike the classical encryption schemes,keys are dispensable in certain PLS technigues, known as the keyless secure strat egy. Sophisticated signal processing techniques such as arti- ficial noise, beamforming,and diversitycan be developed to ensure the secrecy of the MC networks.In the Alice-Bob-Eve model, Alice is the legitimate transmitter, whose intended target is the legitimate receiver Bob,while Eve is the eavesdropper that intercepts the information from Alice to Bob.The secrecy performance is quantified via information leakagei.ethe dif ference of the mutual information between the Alice-Bob and Alice-Eve links. The upper bound of the information leakage is called secrecy capacity realized by a specific distribution of the input symbols, namely,capacity-achieving distribution.The secrecy performance of the diffusion-based MC system with concentration shift keying(CSK)is analyzed from an informa- tion-theoretical point of view,providing two paramount secrecy metrics, i.e., secrecy capacity and secure distance[13].How ever, only the estimation of lower bound secrecy capacity is derived as both links attain their channel capacity.The secrecy capacity highly depends on the system parameters such as the average signal energy,diffusion coefficientand reception duration. Moreover, the distance between the transmitter and the eavesdropper is also an important aspect of secrecy per- formance. For both amplitude and energy detection schemes secure distance is proposed as a secret metricover which the eavesdropper is incapable of signal recovery. Despite the case with CSK,the results of the secure metrics vary with the modulation type(e.g.pulse position,spacetype) and reception mechanism(e.g.passive,partially absorbingper fectly absorbing).For ease of understanding,Figure 3 depicts the modulation types and the corresponding CIRs with different reception mechanisms. Novel signa processing techniques and the biochemical channel properties can further assist the secrecy enhancement in the MC system.The molecular beam forming that avoids information disclosure can be realized via the flow generated in the channel.Besidesnew dimensions of diversity, such as the aforementioned molecular diversity of ionic compounds, can beexploited. Note that the feasibility of these methods can be validated by the derived secrecy metrics.

2023-06-13 上传