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"Fundamental Networking in Java.pdf" 《Fundamental Networking in Java》是由Esmond Pitt编写的,这本书深入探讨了Java中的网络编程基础知识。书中涵盖了网络编程的重要概念,如TCP/IP协议、UDP协议以及Java的RMI(Remote Method Invocation)技术。Esmond Pitt是电气和电子工程师协会(IEEE)会员,并且在编写此书时使用了Adobe FrameMaker、Acrobat和Distiller等工具,在Macintosh和PC平台上创建并排版了PDF文件。 本书的正文采用10/11点大小的FF Scala和Scala Sans字体,由Martin Majoor设计,并由FSI FontShop International分销。程序代码文本则使用了Lucida Sans Typewriter等宽字体,比例缩放以匹配正文的x-height,并以em单位进行缩进,使得代码块与文本保持一致的视觉效果。 该书还参考了英国图书馆的编目数据,并在美国国会图书馆有控制编号:2005929863。国际标准书号(ISBN)为:ISBN-10: 1-84628-030-3 和 ISBN-13: 978-1846-2803-6。此外,书籍印刷在酸性自由纸上,确保了长期保存的耐久性。 根据1988年的版权、设计和专利法案,除了用于研究、私人学习、批评或评论的目的,本书的任何部分未经作者Esmond Pitt的许可,均不得复制或传播。 关于书中涉及的知识点: 1. **Java网络编程基础**:这部分内容可能包括Java的Socket编程,讲解如何通过Java API建立TCP连接,进行数据传输,理解套接字(Socket)和服务器套接字(ServerSocket)的概念。 2. **TCP/IP协议**:TCP(传输控制协议)是一种面向连接的、可靠的、基于字节流的传输层通信协议,书中会介绍其工作原理,包括三次握手和四次挥手过程。 3. **UDP协议**:UDP(用户数据报协议)是无连接的、不可靠的传输协议,适合于对实时性要求高的应用,书中会对比TCP和UDP的区别,以及如何在Java中使用DatagramSocket和DatagramPacket实现UDP通信。 4. **Java RMI**:Java的远程方法调用技术允许在不同 JVM(Java虚拟机)之间进行对象的方法调用,这在分布式系统中非常有用。书中可能会讲述RMI的架构、注册表、远程接口和远程对象的实现。 5. **网络安全和错误处理**:网络编程中不可避免地涉及数据安全和异常处理,书里可能会讨论如何在Java中处理网络异常,以及如何使用SSL/TLS协议加密通信。 6. **多线程编程**:在网络编程中,多线程常常用于处理并发请求,书中可能会讲解如何在Java中创建和管理线程,以及线程同步机制。 7. **网络数据编码和解码**:可能涵盖Java的序列化、JSON、XML等数据交换格式,以及如何在网络中有效地编码和解码数据。 8. **网络性能优化**:可能涉及网络I/O优化,如缓冲区的使用、非阻塞I/O等。 这本书是Java开发者学习网络编程的宝贵资源,通过详细解释和实例,读者可以掌握在网络环境中构建可靠和高效应用程序的技巧。
2008-10-29 上传
  ,      -  a long-standing gap in the documentation and literature of the Java™ programming language and platform, by providing fundamental and in-depth coverage of #  and  networking from the point of view of the Java API, and by discussing advanced networking programming techniques.1 The new I/O and networking features introduced in " 1.4 provide further justification for the appearance of this text. Much of the information in this book is either absent from or incorrectly specified in the Java documentation and books by other hands, as I have noted throughout. In writing this book, I have drawn on nearly twenty years’ experience in network programming, over a great variety of protocols, APIs, and languages, on a number of platforms (many now extinct), and on networks ranging in size from an Ethernet a few inches in length, to a corporate  between cities thousands of miles apart, to the immense geographic spread of the Internet. This book covers both ‘traditional’ Java stream-based I/O and so-called ‘new I/O’ based on buffers and channels, supporting non-blocking I/O and multiplexing, for both ‘plain’ and secure sockets, specfically including non-blocking # and % . Server and client architectures, using both blocking and non-blocking I/O schemes, are discussed and analysed from the point of view of scalability and with a particular emphasis on performance analysis. An extensive list of TCP/IP platform dependencies, not documented in Java, is provided, along with a handy reference to the various states a TCP/IP port can assume.