Silicon-on-insulator-based microwave photonic
filter with widely adjustable bandwidth
Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
School of Optical and Electrical Information, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
e-mail: yuan_yu@hust.edu.cn
e-mail: yuyu@mail.hust.edu.cn
Received 25 July 2018; revised 25 November 2018; accepted 4 December 2018; posted 5 December 2018 (Doc. ID 340537);
published 8 January 2019
We demonstrate a silicon-based microwave photonic filter (MPF) with flattop passband and adjustable band-
width. The proposed MPF is realized by using a 10th-order microring resonator (MRR) and a photodetector,
both of which are integrated on a photonic chip. The full width at half-maximum (FWHM) bandwidth of the
optical filter achieved at the drop port of the 10th-order MRR is 21.6 GHz. The ripple of the passband is less
than 0.3 dB, while the rejection ratio is 32 dB. By adjusting the deviation of the optical carrier wavelength from
the center wavelength of the optical bandpass filter, the bandwidth of the MPF can be greatly changed. In the
experiment, the FWHM bandwidth of the proposed MPF is tuned from 5.3 to 19.5 GHz, and the rejection ratio is
higher than 30 dB.
© 2019 Chinese Laser Press
As the demand for capacity in radio frequency (RF) telecom-
munication keeps increasing, traditional microwave research
based on the electrical technique has become increasingly
challenging over time. With inherent advantages such as low
loss, large bandwidth, immunity to electromagnetic interfer-
ence (EMI), excellent tunability, and reconfigurability, micro-
wave photonics is a promising candidate to confront this
challenge [1–3]. As one of the key branches of signal processing
in microwave photonics, the microwave photonic filter (MPF)
has been intensively studied ever since its emergence, and many
MPFs with various functions have been demonstrated [4–11].
MPFs with single passband or stopband can effectively extract
or suppress the desired signals. When such MPFs have adjust-
able bandwidths, more flexibility is achieved in the system
[12–16]. Stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) is an effective
approach to implementing MPF with a high rejection ratio.
By changing the bandwidth of the optical pump of the SBS,
the bandwidth of the achieved MPF can be adjustable
[12,13]. The tuning range of the bandwidth depends on the
bandwidth of the optical pump, but a larger bandwidth of op-
tical pump means more power consumption of the system.
Based on an optical comb source and a dispersive medium, a
reconfigurable and tunable flattop MPF is demonstrated and
the full width at half-maximum (FWHM) of this filter can be
adjusted from 1.5 to 2.5 GHz [14 ]. In 2012, Chen et al. pro-
posed an MPF with adjustable bandwidth based on phase
modulation and cascaded Bragg gratings [15]. By adjusting the
optical carrier wavelength, an MPF with bandwidth adjustable
from 3.5 to 5.5 GHz is acquired after the photodetector (PD).
In 2015, Li et al. proposed a reconfigurable MPF based on a
polarization modulator (PolM) and an optical bandpass filter
[16]. When the phase modulation on two orthogonal polari-
zation states is tuned and then combined, both the shape and
bandwidth of the achieved MPF can be changed. The FWHM
bandwidth can be adjusted from 5 to 11 GHz. However, MPFs
based on discrete optoelectronic devices are bulky and expen-
sive. In order to reduce the volume and cost and improve reli-
ability, monolithic integration is a very promising technique.
Therefore, photonic chip-based MPF with adjustable band-
width was also proposed and demonstrated [17,18]. Benefiting
from the narrow bandwidth of SBS gain, the on-chip SBS-
based MPFs exhibit high Q factor, and the achieved larges t
FWHM bandwidth is 440 MHz [18 ]. In order to implement
SBS, an optical pump is necessary in the system, so the schemes
are more complex, and further integration of the systems will
also face more challenges.
In this paper, we demonstrate a silicon-on-insulator (SOI)-
based MPF with flattop and single passband. A 10th-order mi-
croring resonator (MRR) is integrated with a PD on a photonic
chip. By controlling the resonant wavelength of each MRR, the
10th-order MRR could achieve a flattop optical filter at its drop
port. The FWHM bandwidth of the optical filter is 21.6 GHz.
The ripple of the passband is less than 0.3 dB, while the
rejection ratio is 32 dB. When a phase-modulated signal is
Vol. 7, No. 2 / February 2019 / Photonics Research
Research Article
2327-9125/19/020110-06 Journal © 2019 Chinese Laser Press