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"DB2数据库分区DPF" DB2 数据库分区功能(DPF,Database Partitioning Feature)是IBM DB2数据库系统中的一项高级特性,它允许数据库在多台服务器上进行分布式处理,以提高性能、可伸缩性和可用性。DPF通过将数据库的数据和事务处理任务分割到多个物理节点(称为数据分区或DBPARTITIONNUM)来实现这些目标,从而实现并行处理和负载均衡。 在设置DB2 DPF时,首先要确保所有相关的服务器之间能够安全地通信。这通常涉及配置SSH密钥交换,以便无密码登录各个服务器。例如,通过`ssh-keygen -t rsa`生成公钥和私钥,然后将公钥追加到每个服务器的`authorized_keys`文件中。 创建一个DPF数据库,首先需要定义一个数据库分区组(Database Partition Group,DPG)。在上述示例中,`db2 "CREATE DATABASE PARTITION GROUP pt FOR 1 ON DBPARTITIONNUMS (0 to 3)"`命令创建了一个名为pt的DPG,它覆盖了0到3的数据分区。然后,使用`db2list database partition groups show detail`来查看已创建的DPG及其详细信息。 接着,创建表空间以存储数据。`db2 createtablespace tsp1 in database partition group pt for 1 managed by automatic storage`命令创建了一个名为tsp1的表空间,并将其分配给之前创建的DPG。表空间的管理方式为自动存储,这意味着DB2会自动处理数据的存储和回收。 在定义了表空间后,可以创建分布式表。在上述示例中,`CREATE TABLE table1`定义了一个名为table1的表,包含三个字段:col1、col2和col3,并设置了主键。`DISTRIBUTE BY HASH(col1)`表明表的分布依据col1字段的哈希值,这样可以确保相同哈希值的数据行位于同一数据分区,有利于并行处理。 为了启动和管理这些分区,需要配置服务和网络连接。在 `/etc/services` 文件中添加相应的服务条目,然后逐个启动每个数据分区,如 `db2start DBPARTITIONNUM1 add DBPARTITIONNUM hostname WASAndDBport1`。此外,还需要更新默认的数据库分区组,例如,`db2 "alter database partition group ibmdefaultgroup add dbpartitionnum(1) without tablespaces"` 添加数据分区1到默认的DPG。 最后,可能需要创建一个全局的表空间,如 `db2 create tablespace allspaces in database partition group ibmdefaultgroup managed by automatic storage`,以便在默认的DPG中存储那些没有指定特定DPG的表。 DB2 DPF是一种强大的工具,它可以提高大型数据库系统的性能和可用性。正确配置和使用DPF,包括创建DPG、表空间、分布式表以及管理数据分区,对于充分利用DB2的分布式处理能力至关重要。在实际操作中,还需要考虑监控、备份、恢复以及性能优化等更多方面,以确保系统的稳定运行和高效性能。
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Mastering material for dealing with DBA certification exams Key Features Prepare yourself for the IBM C2090-600 certification exam Cover over 50 Db2 procedures including database design, performance, and security Work through over 150 Q&As; to gain confidence on each topic Book Description IBM Db2 is a relational database management system (RDBMS) that helps you store, analyze, and retrieve data efficiently. This comprehensive book is designed to help you master all aspects of IBM Db2 database administration and prepare you to take and pass IBM's Certification Exams C2090-600. Building on years of extensive experience, the authors take you through all areas covered by the test. The book delves deep into each certification topic: Db2 server management, physical design, business rules implementation, activity monitoring, utilities, high availability, and security. IBM Db2 11.1 Certification Guide provides you with more than 150 practice questions and answers, simulating real certification examination questions. Each chapter includes an extensive set of practice questions along with carefully explained answers. This book will not just prepare you for the C2090-600 exam but also help you troubleshoot day-to-day database administration challenges. What you will learn Configure and manage Db2 servers, instances, and databases Implement Db2 BLU Acceleration and a DB2 pureScale environment Create, manage, and alter Db2 database objects Use the partitioning capabilities available within Db2 Enforce constraint checking with the SET INTEGRITY command Utilize the Db2 problem determination (db2pd) and dsmtop tools Configure and manage HADR Understand how to encrypt data in transit and at rest Who This Book Is For The IBM Db2 11.1 Certification Guide is an excellent choice for database administrators, architects, and application developers who are keen to obtain certification in Db2. Basic understanding of Db2 is expected in order to get the most out of this guide.