September 10, 2006 / Vol. 4, No. 9 / CHINESE OPTICS LETTERS 525
Compact extended cavity diode laser system for small
optically pumpe d cesium beam frequency standards
Jianwei Zhang (
), Kaikai Huang (
), and Donghai Yang (
Key Laboratory for Quantum Information and Measurement, Ministry of Education,
School of Electronics Engineering & Computer Science, Peking Universit y, Beijing 100871
Received May 24, 2006
A compact extended cavity diode laser (ECDL) system operating at 852 nm for small optically pumped
cesium (Cs) beam frequency standards was reported. ECDL and a saturated absorption spectroscopy setup
w ere all built in an aluminum box with dimension of 10 × 10 × 7 (cm). ECDL wa s based on a Littman-
Metcaff configuration, whose free-running linewidth was less than 600 kHz. A digital automatic frequency
lock unit (AFLU) was developed to lock the laser frequency to specify Cs absorption lines automatically
and re-lock it in case of lock broken. With AFLU, the laser frequency was continuously locked for several
OCIS codes: 140.2020, 300.6460, 120.4570.
In the past decades, many laboratory efforts were made
in the development of small optically pumped cesium
(Cs) frequency standards
. One of the main chal-
lenges to construct a compact and portable optically
pumped Cs clock is to develop a compact, low noise,
narrow linewidth, and long lifetime laser system whose
frequency keeps being locked on a certain Cs atomic tran-
sition line stably for a reasonably long time. Besides, as
a pa rt of equipment, the laser system should be able to
work hands off.
Our laboratory has developed several versions of com-
pact laser systems for compact optically pumped Cs
beam clocks
, and they worked very well
diodes (LDs) used in these laser systems were distributed
Bragg reflection (DBR) type. As a result, the linewidth
of these laser systems, about tens of megahertz, is not
narrow enough for optically pumped Cs clock with right
angle incidence of probing laser b eam
as far as we know, no commercial DBR LDs at 852
nm with linewidth below 1 MHz are available so far.
Therefore, we use extended cavity diode lasers (ECDLs),
with compact volume and narrow linewidth, to take the
place of DBR LDs. Many groups have developed their
compact ECDLs
, many of which were designed
based on Littrow configuration. Though the Littrow
configuration is relatively simple, the direction of laser
beam changes o r shifts as the grating rotates for tuning
the laser wavelength
, which will bring troubles in ex-
In this letter, we report a compact ECDL system for
small optically pumped Cs clocks, whose mechanical
design based on the Littman-Metcaff configuration is
simple: only the length of the extended cavity can be ad-
justed by piezoelectric transducer (PZT) when the laser
operates. To lock laser frequency, a Doppler-free sat-
urated absorption (SA) sp ectroscopy setup
was built
in the same aluminum box with ECDL. Additionally, in
order to realize long-term locking and hands off work-
ing, we developed a digital automatic frequency lock
unit (AFLU) to control the laser op erating parameters
(temperature, current, and piezovoltage). AFLU is an
improved simpler version of the automatic laser fre-
quency lock device in Ref. [7]. Though other group also
developed automatic laser frequency lock system
work is simple than them.
Figure 1 shows the schematic of the laser head, con-
sisting of an E CDL (lower part) and a reference spec-
troscopy setup (upper part). The LD is an AlGaAs
diode (JDS Uniphase SDL 5412-H1) without additional
antireflection (AR) coating. The diffraction grating, a
1200-line/mm holographic grating, was fixed on a grat-
ing mount. The incident angle of the laser beam on
the grating was about 80
, and the laser polarization
direction was perpendicular to the grooves. The first-
order diffraction beam of the grating was reflected by
mirror mount (ThorLabs KS05). The laser diode mount,
the grating mount and the mirror mount were all fixed
on a base plate, which was temperature stabilized by a
Fig. 1. Schematic of the laser head. 1: Laser diode, 2: laser
diode and collimating lens mounting block, 3: collimating
lens, 4: diffraction grating, 5: grating mount, 6: mirror, 7:
PZT, 8: mirror mount, 9: ECDL base plate, 10: thermis-
tor, 11: beam splitter, 12: thick glass, 13: Cs gas cell, 14:
1:1 beam splitter, 15: mirror, 16: subtraction photodiodes
detector, 17: laser diode protection circuit.