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" Beginning Ruby 是一本由 Peter Cooper 编写的面向初学者的 Ruby 编程语言指南。这本书被大力推荐为 Ruby 开发者的入门宝典,由 why the lucky stiff 撰写序言。" 《 Beginning Ruby: From Novice to Professional》是一本全面介绍 Ruby 语言的教程,旨在帮助编程新手逐步掌握这门强大的开源编程语言。作者 Peter Cooper 是 Ruby 社区的知名专家,他以清晰易懂的方式阐述了 Ruby 的基本概念和高级特性,使读者能够从零基础快速过渡到专业水平。 本书的内容覆盖了 Ruby 语言的各个方面,包括但不限于: 1. **基础知识**:从安装 Ruby 环境开始,介绍变量、数据类型、控制结构(如 if/else,循环)以及函数的使用,让初学者建立对编程的基本理解。 2. **面向对象编程**:Ruby 是一种纯面向对象的语言,书中深入讲解了类、对象、继承、模块和 Mixin 等核心 OOP 概念,帮助读者理解如何在 Ruby 中构建可复用的代码结构。 3. **异常处理**:通过学习如何使用 begin/rescue/ensure 语句,读者可以了解如何在程序中处理错误和异常,提高代码的健壮性。 4. **文件和IO操作**:涵盖读写文件、流和网络通信等,使开发者能够与外部世界进行数据交互。 5. **标准库和Gem**:Ruby 标准库提供了丰富的功能,而 Gem 是 Ruby 的扩展包管理系统。书中会介绍如何使用这些工具来增强应用的功能。 6. **测试驱动开发(TDD)**:强调编写可测试的代码,介绍 RSpec 和 Test::Unit 等测试框架,帮助读者养成良好的编程习惯。 7. **Web 开发**:Ruby on Rails 是 Ruby 的著名 Web 框架,书中可能简要介绍 MVC 架构和 Rails 的基本用法,让读者了解如何快速构建 Web 应用。 8. **高级话题**:包括元编程、闭包、 Proc 对象和 Blocks,这些是 Ruby 强大的特性,能帮助读者写出更加灵活和高效的代码。 9. **社区和资源**:引导读者了解 Ruby 社区,如何参与开源项目,以及如何找到学习和解决问题的资源。 技术审阅者 Tim Fletcher 和 Peter Marklund 的参与确保了书中的内容准确无误,符合当前的 Ruby 实践。 《 Beginning Ruby》是一本全面而深入的教程,适合任何想要踏入 Ruby 世界的新人。通过阅读本书,读者不仅可以掌握编程的基础知识,还能深入了解 Ruby 的魅力,为成为专业的 Ruby 开发者奠定坚实的基础。
2016-07-27 上传
Learn the principles behind object-oriented programming and within a few chapters create a fully functional Ruby application. You'll also gain a basic understanding of many ancillary technologies such as databases, XML, web frameworks, and networking - some of which are needed as part of a fully functioning Ruby application. Based on the bestselling first and second editions, Beginning Ruby, Third Edition is a leading guide to learn Ruby from the ground up. The new edition of this book provides the same excellent introduction to Ruby as the previous editions plus updates for the newest version of Ruby 2.3. This book can also be used as a textbook or companion to a textbook on beginning Ruby programming. The light and agile Ruby programming language remains a very popular open source scripting option for developers building today's web and even some enterprise applications. And, now, Ruby also has applications using the Raspberry Pi, popular among hobbyists and makers. Many former Java developers still use Ruby on Rails today, the most popular framework for building Ruby applications. What You'll Learn What are the fundamentals of Ruby and its object-oriented building blocks How to work with Ruby libraries, gems, and documentation How to work with files and databases How to write and deploy Ruby applications What are the various Ruby web frameworks and how to use them How to do network programming with Ruby and more Who This Book Is For This book is for beginning programmers, programmers new to Ruby, and web developers interested in learning and knowing the foundations of the Ruby programming language. Table of Contents Part 1: Foundations and Scaffolding Chapter 1: Let’s Get It Started: Installing Ruby Chapter 2: Programming == Joy: A Whistle-Stop Tour of Ruby and Object Orientation Chapter 3: Ruby’s Building Blocks: Data, Expressions, and Flow Control Chapter 4: Developing Your First Ruby Application Chapter 5: The Ruby Ecosystem Part 2: The Core of Ruby Chapter 6: Classes, Objects, and Modules Chapter 7: Projects and Libraries Chapter 8: Documentation, Error Handling, Debugging, and Testing Chapter 9: Files and Databases Chapter 10: Distributing Ruby Code and Libraries Chapter 11: Advanced Ruby Features Chapter 12: Tying It Together: Developing a Larger Ruby Application Part 3: Ruby Online Chapter 13: Two Web Application Approaches: Rails and Sinatra Chapter 14: Ruby and the Internet Chapter 15: Networking and Sockets Chapter 16: Useful Ruby Libraries Appendix A: Ruby Primer and Review for Developers Appendix B: Useful Resources