
需积分: 10 0 下载量 24 浏览量 更新于2024-03-12 5 收藏 1.55MB PDF 举报
TI-UCD90320.pdf is a detailed document describing the features and functions of the UCD90320 power sequencer. This device is designed to manage the power distribution in a system, with capabilities such as voltage monitoring, current monitoring, and controlling various power supply outputs. The UCD90320 includes multiple input and output pins for communication with other components, such as the I2C/PMBus and JTAG interfaces. It also features a watchdog timer input from the main processor, as well as power good and system reset signals. The UCD90320 is capable of controlling and monitoring various power supply outputs, ranging from a 12V output to 0.8V and 1.8V outputs. It also includes features such as margining and synchronization capabilities, as well as hot swap and temperature monitoring functions. The device is designed to work in conjunction with other UCD90320 devices in a cascaded configuration to expand its capabilities. Overall, the UCD90320 is a versatile and comprehensive power sequencer that provides a high level of control and monitoring for complex power distribution systems. Its multiple features and interfaces make it a valuable component for managing power in a variety of applications.