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Passive Optical Network (PON) is a key technology for achieving Fiber to the Home (FTTH) and it provides point-to-multipoint fiber access. PON consists of the Optical Line Terminal (OLT) on the central office side, the Optical Network Unit (ONU) on the user side, and the Optical Distribution Network (ODN). The downlink uses a Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) broadcast method, while the uplink uses Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), forming a point-to-multipoint tree topology. The greatest advantage of PON as an optical access technology is its passive nature, with no active electronic devices or power sources in the ODN, resulting in lower management, maintenance, and operation costs.
The development of PON technology can be traced back to 1995, and in October 1998, the ITU approved the FSAN (Full Service Access Network) organization's ATM-based PON technology standard, known as G.983 or BPON (Broadband PON). It has a speed of 155 Mbps and can support speeds up to 622 Mbps. The EFMA (Ethernet in the First Mile Alliance) also plays a role in the development and standardization of PON technology.
In conclusion, Passive Optical Network technology is a vital component in the advancement of FTTH and provides a cost-effective solution for delivering high-speed internet access to homes and businesses. Its passive nature and efficient network architecture make it a preferred choice for telecommunications companies looking to expand and improve their infrastructure.
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