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"QXDM工具使用指导书.pdf" 是一本详细介绍如何使用QXDM工具的教程,适用于个人学习和研究,但禁止用于商业目的。QXDM是高通公司开发的一款强大的移动设备分析和诊断工具,尤其适用于处理高通Modem的相关问题。 QXDM工具套件包括多个组件,如DatabaseEditor用于数据库编辑,DLFConverter进行数据格式转换,ISFConverter处理ISF文件,ItemTester用于测试特定项目,Listen-OnlyQXDM提供只读模式,而核心的QXDM软件则提供了全面的设备监控和调试功能。 在使用QXDM时,首先需要确保物理连接正确,将手机与电脑通过USB接口相连,并确保设备处于调试模式。然后可以逐步学习QXDM的常用功能,例如正确配置QXDM与手机的连接,保存和加载配置文件以便快速设置。创建和保存跟踪项目可以帮助用户记录和分析特定的设备行为。 QXDM可以用来重现跟踪信息,进行自动化操作,如通过QXDM对手机执行特定命令。同时,它提供了丰富的视图和工具来查看和分析各种数据,如信令消息跟踪、NVBrowser用于设备配置和锁频操作,以及查看网络状态、收发功率、VoIP电话时延等。 在图形界面中,用户可以通过右键菜单进行各种操作,如清除数据、设置光标、保存图像、启用自动滚动、缩放轴、显示图例、调整范围以及查看特定通道。滚动列表也有其独特的右键菜单,便于用户更深入地探索数据。 此外,QXDM还支持查看功控信息、HSPA参数、BLER(Block Error Rate)、小区重选详情以及RLC(Radio Link Control)层的信息。对于ISF文件,QXDM提供了转换功能,使其可以被Ethereal这样的网络协议分析工具解析。LogView和MessageView是QXDM中的两个重要视图,分别用于日志和消息的查看,它们有不同的设置选项,以满足不同层次的数据分析需求。 QXDM工具提供了全面的设备诊断和分析能力,帮助用户深入理解高通Modem的工作原理,以及解决与通信相关的各种问题。通过这份使用指导书,用户可以逐步掌握QXDM的使用技巧,提升故障排查和性能优化的能力。
2017-11-22 上传
高通 qualcomm QXDM 工具使用手册 The QXDM Pro software is provided either over the network or on CD-ROM. The installer sets up the QXDM Pro execution environment, which includes installing application binaries, data files, and documentation; registering COM automation components and file associations; and configuring QXDM Pro for initial use. The QXDM Pro installation consists of two main folders:  QXDM program folder – The path to this folder is set by the user when installing QXDM. The default path offered by the installer is based on the underlying Microsoft operating system program files folder, which is typically C:\Program Files\Qualcomm\QXDM. After installation, this folder will contain subfolders containing the QXDM binaries, the QXDM documentation, and parsing DLL wizards for the Microsoft Visual Studio development environment. The contents of this folder should be considered read-only.  QXDM data folder – The base path to this folder is set by the underlying Microsoft operating system and represents the documents folder shared by all users of the host PC. Typically, the Microsoft Windows shared documents folder is located at C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents. After installation, this folder will contain a Qualcomm\QXDM subfolder. The resulting complete path represents the QXDM data folder. A shortcut to this location named “QXDM Data” is located in the Start Menu under the “QXDM Professional” group. Under this will be several subfolders containing QXDM automation script samples, the QXDM database, implementation files for all QXDM HTML-based displays, temporary QXDM item store format files, user-submitted QXDM extensions, reference dynamic parsing DLLs, and the reference QTI vendor database. Unlike the program folder, the QXDM data folder is designed to accommodate user extensions, such as a user database or a user authored QXDM HTML display. Two folders are utilized in order to be compliant with the current Microsoft Windows Logo Program requirements. The installer creates a QXDM Pro folder in the Windows Start Programs menu that can be run by selecting Start→All Programs→QXDM Professional→QXDM Professional. The installed application binaries and user guides are accessible from this location. Additionally, a shortcut to the QXDM Pro data folder is installed. NOTE: Attempting to install QXDM Pro by running the QXDMInstaller.msi file is not supported. The only supported means of installing QXDM Pro is via the setup.exe program.