掌握Apache Karaf:Osgi轻量级应用部署与开发指南

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Apache Karaf 是一个开源的基于 OSGi(开放服务网关 initiative)的轻量级运行时容器,专为构建、开发和部署可扩展的应用程序而设计。OSGi 提供了一种模块化架构,使得软件组件能够动态加载、卸载和替换,这对于现代软件工程中的服务导向架构(SOA)和微服务架构特别有用。Karaf 的核心优势在于它的灵活性、易用性和对复杂企业环境的支持。 学习 Apache Karaf,读者将深入了解如何利用这个强大的框架来组织和管理应用程序的生命周期。本书由三位专业作者——Johan Edstrom、Jamie Goodyear 和 Heath Kesler 联合编写,他们将深入讲解 Karaf 的基本概念、安装过程、配置管理、服务和框架的理解、以及如何创建和部署 OSGi 服务和bundles。此外,本书还将探讨Karaf 的命令行界面CLI,以及与之集成的其他工具和框架,如Spring DM、Camel和Apache Felix等。 版权信息指出,未经 Packt Publishing 的书面许可,书中的任何部分都不能复制、存储或通过任何形式或方式传播,除非是在进行学术引用或评论时嵌入简短摘录。尽管作者和出版社尽力确保书中信息的准确性,但书中提供的内容是“按现状”销售,不附带任何明示或暗示的保证。所有提及的商标信息已尽可能准确,但Packt Publishing 不承担确保其准确性或完整性的确保责任。 在学习过程中,读者可以期待掌握以下关键知识点: 1. **OSGi基础知识**:理解Osgi的模块化原理、服务注册与发现机制以及bundle的生命周期管理。 2. **Karaf安装与配置**:包括安装Karaf、设置基本环境和配置文件的定制。 3. **命令行界面(CLI)操作**:学习使用Karaf CLI进行日常管理和运维任务。 4. **服务与bundle管理**:如何创建、部署和管理OSGi bundles,以及服务的启动、停止和生命周期管理。 5. **插件和集成**:与Spring DM、Camel等其他技术的集成实践,以及如何扩展Karaf的功能。 6. **企业级应用部署**:针对企业级环境,理解如何部署和管理大型分布式系统。 通过深入学习和实践,读者将能够熟练地在Apache Karaf中构建健壮的、可维护的和高度模块化的应用,并充分利用OSGi带来的优势。这是一本适合IT专业人士,特别是那些寻求在Java EE、Spring和微服务架构领域扩展能力的开发人员的实用指南。
2014-03-17 上传
Book Description Develop and deploy applications using the OSGi-based runtime container, Apache Karaf Overview Understand Apache Karaf’s commands and control capabilities Gain familiarity with its provisioning features Explore various application deployments targets experientially In Detail Apache Karaf is more than just an OSGi-based runtime container; it’s an ecosystem of open source technologies that makes operating and managing applications easier. Karaf supports hot deployment of OSGi bundles by monitoring jar files inside the [home]/deploy directory. Each time a jar is copied in this folder, it will be installed inside the runtime. You can then update or delete it, and changes will be handled automatically. In addition, Karaf also supports exploded bundles and custom deployers. Learning Apache Karaf will introduce developers and administrators alike to the OSGi-based container, and impart best practices by example. The book shows you how to set up an Apache Karaf distribution, and how to arrive at a production-ready deployment. Learning Apache Karaf teaches you everything you need to install, configure, and administer Apache Karaf. Learning Apache Karaf will help guide you through the complexity of an OSGi container using sample code and configuration snippets to demonstrate the important aspects of managing and running a Karaf instance. Learning to install and command the runtime is just the beginning; deploying and provisioning applications is just as important to the successful implementation of a stable and scalable architecture. You will discover how to monitor runtime environments using remote access, logging, and JMX, and you will also develop production-level architectures with high availability and security. What you will learn from this book Command and control the runtime Explore system configuration tuning Delve into Karaf’s provisioning mechanisms Understand application deployment through practical examples Improve your Karaf deployment to product