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"《内存取证的艺术》是一本关于Windows内存分析的专业书籍,主要介绍如何通过分析计算机内存(RAM)来解决数字犯罪问题。本书是《恶意软件分析师的烹饪书》的后续作品,由恶意软件、安全和数字取证领域的专家共同编写,提供了一步一步的内存取证指南,现已成为数字取证和事件响应领域中最热门的技能之一。" 《内存取证的艺术》是一本深受欢迎的技术书籍,获得了业内专家的高度评价,如 Incident Handler Jack Crook 称其为近年来最好的技术书籍,而 Microsoft 的 Bruce Dang 则将其誉为内存取证的权威指南。作者团队包括 Michael Hale Ligh、Andrew Case、Jamie Levy 和 Aaron Walters,他们都是该领域的先驱者。 这本书深入探讨了Windows、Linux和Mac内存中的恶意软件和威胁检测技术。在Windows环境下,内存取证对于发现和分析隐藏的恶意活动至关重要,因为许多现代恶意软件都会试图逃避传统磁盘取证方法的检测。书中详细介绍了如何捕获内存映像、解析内存中的系统结构、识别潜在的恶意代码以及重建攻击场景。 对于Linux和Mac操作系统,虽然它们与Windows有本质的不同,但内存取证仍然是揭示隐藏威胁的关键。书中会涵盖这些平台特有的内存分析技术,包括解析内核数据结构、理解进程和线程的交互,以及如何在这些环境中查找和分析恶意行为。 此外,本书还涵盖了内存取证工具的使用,如Volatility框架,以及如何结合其他取证工具和日志分析,来增强分析的深度和广度。读者将学习到如何在复杂的网络环境中追踪攻击者的行为,恢复被篡改或删除的数据,以及如何构建有效的防御策略。 《内存取证的艺术》不仅适合数字取证专家、安全分析师和事件响应团队,也适合对网络安全感兴趣的高级IT专业人员和研究人员。它提供了丰富的案例研究和实践练习,帮助读者将理论知识转化为实际操作能力,从而提升对数字犯罪的侦查和防御能力。通过阅读本书,读者将掌握一项在当前网络安全形势下至关重要的技能。
2014-12-23 上传
Memory forensics provides cutting edge technology to help investigate digital attacks Memory forensics is the art of analyzing computer memory (RAM) to solve digital crimes. As a follow-up to the best seller Malware Analyst's Cookbook, experts in the fields of malware, security, and digital forensics bring you a step-by-step guide to memory forensics—now the most sought after skill in the digital forensics and incident response fields. Beginning with introductory concepts and moving toward the advanced, The Art of Memory Forensics: Detecting Malware and Threats in Windows, Linux, and Mac Memory is based on a five day training course that the authors have presented to hundreds of students. It is the only book on the market that focuses exclusively on memory forensics and how to deploy such techniques properly. Discover memory forensics techniques: How volatile memory analysis improves digital investigations Proper investigative steps for detecting stealth malware and advanced threats How to use free, open source tools for conducting thorough memory forensics Ways to acquire memory from suspect systems in a forensically sound manner The next era of malware and security breaches are more sophisticated and targeted, and the volatile memory of a computer is often overlooked or destroyed as part of the incident response process. The Art of Memory Forensics explains the latest technological innovations in digital forensics to help bridge this gap. It covers the most popular and recently released versions of Windows, Linux, and Mac, including both the 32 and 64-bit editions.