Efficient Pruning Technique of Memory Polynomial
Models Suitable for PA Behavioral Modeling
and D igital Predistortion
Wenhua Chen, Senior Member, IEEE, Silong Zhang, Student Member, IEEE, You-Jiang Liu, Member, IEEE,
Fadhel M. Ghannouchi, Fellow, IEEE, Zhenghe Feng, Fellow, IEEE, and Yuanan Liu, Member, IEEE
Abstract—This paper proposes an error variation ranking
(EVR)-based pruning method to reduce the c
omplexity of memory
polynomials (MPs) for power amplifier behavioral modeling.
During the EVR pruning, the variation of prediction error caused
by removing each term is calculated and r
anked as a quantification
factor to show the term’s importance. The dominant terms are
then s ele cte d based on their ranking positions among all terms.
This method is verified by comparin
g its results with all other
possible selections under the same conditions. When it is used to
prune digital predistorters, approximately 74% of the terms in the
MP model and 78% of the terms in th
e 2-D digital-predistortion
model can be removed with negligible deterioration of the predic-
tion and linearization performance. Moreover, further discussion
is presented to strategize th
econfiguration of MP models based on
the EVR pruning results.
Index Terms—Basis selection, digital predistortion (DPD), error
variation, nonlinear model, power amplifier (PA).
OLYNOMIAL-BASED models have greatly contributed
to solving the problem o f describ ing the behav ior of power
amplifiers (PAs), including nonlinearities and memory effects.
They are also widely used as digital predistort e rs to linearize
Manuscript received April 01, 2014; revised June 14, 2014 and July 28, 2014;
accepted August 10, 2014. Date of publication S eptember 05, 2014; date of cur-
rent version October 02, 2014. This work was supported in part by the National
Basic Research Program of China under Grant 2014CB339900, the National
Science and Technology Major Project of the M inistry of Science and Tech-
nology of China under Grant 2014ZX03003007-008, the National Natural Sci-
ence Foundation of China under Grant 61201043, and the New Century Excel-
lent Talents in University (NCET).
W. Chen and Z . Feng are wi th the Departme nt of Electronic E ngineering,
Tsinghu a University, B eijing 100084, China (e-mail: chenwh@ tsin gh u a .edu.cn;
fzh-dee@ tsinghua.edu.cn ).
S. Zhang was with the Department of Electronic E ngineering, Tsinghua Uni-
versity, Beijing 100084, China. He is now with Smarter Micro In c., S h an gh ai
201203, China (e-mail: szhang@smartermicro.com).
Y.-J. Liu is wit h the Department of Electrical and Com puter Engineering,
University of California at San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093 USA (e-mail:
F. M. Ghannouchi is with the Intelligent RF Radio L ab or ato ry (iRadio Lab),
Department of Electrical and Com pute r Engineering, Schulish School of Engi-
neering, Un iv ersity of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada T2N 1N4 (e- mail: fadhel.
Y. Liu is with the Scho ol of Electronic Engineering, Beijin g Universi ty of
Posts and Telecommunications, 1 00 876 Beijing, China.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TMTT.2014.2351779
PAs, due to their potential for est imation or implementation i n
real-time systems [1]–[12]. However, the tradeoff between im -
plementation complexity and modeling capacity is still a chal-
In recent years, several types of modern PA structures (e.g.,
supply modulated PAs [12],[13] and concurrent dual-band PAs
[20],[21]) have been developed and are considered promising
for next-gen eration comm un ication systems. These new PA
structures have two or more input ports w ith nonlinear interfer-
ences betw een each other. Correspondingly, several two-to-one
mapping models have been proposed. However, they further
exacerbate the difference between complexity and perform ance
In fact, m uch research has been published on the simplifica-
tion of the Volterra series, which is the origin of most polyno-
mial-based models. Most of the methods have been based on the
analysis of the physical characteristics of PAs and/or modifica-
tion of the structure of the original polynomials. Several com-
pact and useful PA models have been obtained, such as memory
polynomials (MPs), dynamic deviation reduction (DDR)-based
Volterra series, and 2-D digital predistortion ( 2-D-DPD) model.
Although these models have led, in most cases, to good perfor-
mance, they encom pass a relatively high number of coefficients.
This has triggered the need and provided the motivation f or fur-
ther reduction in the dimensions of such models without sacri-
ficing performance.
Recently, some efforts have been made to prune the models
adaptively with captured input and output PA signals. In [22]
and [23], terms with small kernels were considered negligible
and removed, which effectively pruned the Wiener G-function.
However, the Wiener G-functio n is im practical for field-pro-
grammable gate-array (FPGA ) implementation, due to the com-
plexity in constructing and im pl ementing its basis fu ncti ons. I n
[24]–[26], an adaptive pruning method was used to p run e the
MP model online. However, since sig nificant multicollinearity
effects exist in the MP model (i.e., some basis functions in the
model can be approximated by a linear combination of the other
basis functions), a stab le resu lt u sing this me th od cannot be
achieved, especially w hen the num ber of coefficients in the orig-
inal m odel is large.
We have presented an iterative pruning method where only
the term with the minimum kernel was removed in each iteration
[27]. Although it outperformed the previous pruning techniques,
it still suffers fr om inherent instability.
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