Windows Vista操作系统深度解析与对比

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"Windows Vista操作系统功能全解析由www.nod32id.com提供" Windows Vista是微软在2006年推出的一款具有里程碑意义的操作系统,旨在提升安全性、用户体验和图形化表现。它被誉为微软历史上最革命性的升级之一,主要特点包括以下几个方面: 1. Avalon图形系统:Avalon是Windows Vista中引入的新一代图形用户界面,也被称为Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)。它提供了更高级的图形渲染能力,支持透明效果、三维图形和丰富的媒体体验,极大地提升了用户界面的视觉效果。 2. Internet Explorer 7 (IE7):作为Vista的一部分,IE7带来了多项安全和功能改进,如更好的隐私保护、反钓鱼过滤和RSS阅读器,提高了浏览器的安全性和易用性。 3. Metro:虽然在Vista中并未引起广泛关注,但Metro后来成为了Windows 8及其后续版本的核心设计语言,强调简洁、触控友好的界面。 4. 安全性增强:Windows Vista引入了一种全新的安全模型,包括User Account Control (UAC),它限制了普通用户账户的权限,防止恶意软件通过管理员权限运行。此外,还有改进的防火墙、数据执行保护(DEP)和反病毒集成,增强了整体安全性。 5. 数字版权管理(DRM):Vista强化了对数字内容的保护,如PVP-OPM,这是一项用于保护视频输出的机制,防止非法复制。然而,这也引发了关于用户自由度和隐私的争议。 6. 驱动模式更新:Vista要求硬件驱动程序遵循Windows Driver Model (WDM),提高了驱动程序的稳定性和兼容性。 7. 改进的搜索功能:Vista的索引服务和搜索工具显著提升了查找文件和信息的速度和效率。 8. 文件系统改进:引入了ReadyBoost和ReadyDrive技术,利用闪存设备提高系统性能,尤其是对于内存较小的计算机。 9. Windows Vista与竞争对手比较:与Windows XP相比,Vista在安全性和用户体验上有明显提升,但同时也面临性能和兼容性问题。与SUSE Linux和Mac OS X竞争时,Vista展示了微软在桌面操作系统的创新,尤其是在图形界面和多媒体支持上。 尽管Windows Vista在发布初期受到了一些批评,如硬件要求高、性能问题和兼容性挑战,但它在安全性和用户体验上的进步为后续的Windows 7奠定了基础。Windows Vista的操作系统功能全解析深入探讨了这些改变,帮助用户理解和适应这一全新的计算环境。
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WIN7 X64 PDF缩略图 补丁软件 Introduction: This page contains simple fixes for Adobe's PDF preview handler and thumbnails on 64-bit versions of Windows. Before I looked into this, people had been complaining about it for over two years with no official response. Only the thumbnails fix is still needed, except if you upgraded from Vista to Windows 7, where both fixes may still be needed. Half a year after I published the information, Adobe finally incorporated the preview handler fix (but no thumbnails fix, and they leave the preview handler broken if you upgraded from Vista to Windows 7) into the installer for Adobe Reader 9.3.2 (April 2010). Maybe in 2011 Adobe will manage to fix the thumbnails as well; until then you can get my fix for them below. :-) Preview Handler Preview handlers are lightweight components which let you view various file types within programs like Windows Explorer (in Windows Vista and Windows 7), Outlook 2007/2010 and Directory Opus (via my bundled plugin). Adobe Reader comes with Adobe's PDF preview handler but the installer had a mistake which meant the preview handler did not work on 64-bit systems. It turned out the problem could be fixed via a simple registry change. The change is described below and a small program which performs the fix is also provided for your convenience. Unlike the thumbnail fix, described below, the preview handler fix should no longer be needed by most people, since Adobe have finally fixed their installer, but it's still provided in case it helps repair things. If you had Adobe Reader installed under Vista and later upgraded to Windows 7 then you will probably still need to run the preview handler fix once to clean up a registry value which Adobe set inconsistently between the two OS versions. If in doubt, run the fix and it will tell you if anything needs to be done. If everything is good already then the preview handler fix won't change anything.