Full length article
Compact diode-pumped continuous-wave and passively Q-switched
Nd:GYSO laser at 1.07 mm
Zhi Lin
, Xiaoxu Huang
, Jinglong Lan
, Shengwei Cui
, Yi Wang
, Bin Xu
Zhengqian Luo
, Huiying Xu
, Zhiping Cai
, Xiaodong Xu
, Xiaoyan Zhang
, Jun Wang
Jun Xu
Department of Electronic Engineering, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, China
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Advanced Laser Materials and Devices, School of Physics and Electronic Engineering, Jiangsu Normal University, Xuzhou 221116,
Key Laboratory of Materials for High-Power Laser, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Fine Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai 201800, China
School of Physics Science and Engineering, Institute for Advanced Study, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
article info
Article history:
Received 7 December 2015
Received in revised form
14 February 2016
Accepted 22 February 2016
Nd:GYSO disorder crystal
Passive Q-switching
saturable absorber
We report diode-pumped continuous-wave (CW) and Q-switched Nd:GYSO lasers using a compact two-
mirror linear laser cavity. Single-wavelength laser emissions at 1074.11 nm with 4.1-W power and at
1058.27 nm with 1.47-W power have been obtained in CW mode. The slope efficiencies with respect to
the absorbed pump powers are 4 8.5% and 22.9%, respectively. Wavelength tunability is also demon-
strated with range of about 8 nm. Using a MoS
saturable absorber, maximum average output power up
to 410 mW at 1074 nm can be yielded with absorbed pump power 6.41 W and the maximum pulse
energy reaches 1.20
J with pulse repetition rate of 342.5 kHz and shortest pulse width of 810 ns. The
CW laser results represent the best laser performance and the Q-switching also present the highest
output power for Q-switched Nd
lasers with MoS
as saturable absorber.
& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
During the past decades, various Nd
3 þ
lasers producing laser
emissions at near infrared spectral domains (0.9, 1.06, 1.1, 1.3 and
1.4 mm) and doped into different host materials of the Nd
3 þ
have been greatly developed because these Nd
3 þ
lasers have
various important applications. For instance, as one of the most
important application, by nonlinear frequency conversion (mainly
second-harmonic generation and sum-frequency mixing) with the
aid of nonlinear crystals, these Nd
3 þ
infrared lasers can be effi-
ciently wavelength converted to visible lasers at blue [1,2], green
[3], yellow [4], orange [5] and red [6].
Compared with those conventional Nd
3 þ
single crystal laser
materials, such as Nd:YAG [7 9], Nd:GGG [10 ,11], Nd:YVO
[12,13], Nd:GdVO
[14], Nd:YLF [15,16], and Nd:YAP [17,18],in
recent years, laser host materials possessing broad bandwidth
have attracted more and more research interest because these
broad bandwidth laser materials provides opportunity to pursue
ultrashort pulse lasers. According to Ref. [19], such broad band-
width resulting from an inhomogeneous broadening behavior is
attributed to the multiple substitutional sites with low symmetry
enhancing the structural disorder to a certain extent. Among dis-
order laser materials, GYSO showing a combined benefits of the
energy splitting from GSO with the more rigid and isotropic
structure of YSO gains more and more attention [19]. In fact, in
recent years, laser operation of Yb
3 þ
-doped GYSO material has
been explored thoroughly [20-22]. However, so far, research on
CW Nd:GYSO laser is still very limited. Li et al. [19] reported a
maximum 1.54 W laser output with slope efficiency of about 27.4%
at 1074 nm. Feng et al. [23] improved the output power and slope
efficiency to 3.5 W and 31.8%, respectively. However, the laser
emission was still limited to around the 1074 nm line. Laser
emissions at other lines and the characteristic of wavelength
tuning benefiting from the broad fluorescence of Nd:GYSO crystal
have not yet been reported to date.
On the other hand, during the past decade, various 2D na-
nosheet materials have been developed to act as saturable absor-
bers (SAs) for Q-switching and mode locking in the fields of solid-
state lasers and fiber lasers. These 2D SA materials, such as gra-
phene [24,25], topological insulator [15,26], MoS
[27-29] and
recently created black phosphorus [30], are more and more pop-
ular because of their ultra-broadband saturable absorption, low
cost and easy fabrication. All these properties lead to such kind of
2D nanosheet materials suitable for mass production not only in
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Optics & Laser Technology
0030-3992/& 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Corresponding authors.
E-mail addresses: xubin@xmu.edu.cn (B. Xu), Xdxu79@mail.sic.ac.cn (X. Xu).
Optics & Laser Technology 82 (2016) 82–86