NR 546, Sec 2
November 2018 Bureau Veritas 15
b) for dynamic sea pressures on:
• panels: at the middle of the panels
• longitudinal and transverse stiffeners: at mid-span of the
3 Global strength scantling analysis
3.1 Application
3.1.1 Global hull girder longitudinal strength
As a rule, the global hull girder longitudinal strength is to be
examined as defined in [4], for monohull ships and for
floats of catamarans, in the following cases:
• ships with length greater than 30 m, or
• ships having large openings in decks or significant
geometrical structure discontinuity at bottom or deck, or
• ships with a transverse framing system, or
• ships with deck structure made of panels with small
thicknesses and stiffeners with large spacings, or
• ships with important deadweight, or
• where deemed appropriate by the Society.
Note 1: For ships not covered by the above cases, the hull girder
strength is considered satisfied when local scantlings are in accord-
ance with requirements defined in Article [2].
3.1.2 Global transverse strength of catamaran
As a rule, the global transverse strength of catamaran is to
be examined as defined in Article [5] for all types of cata-
3.1.3 Finite element calculation
The global strength analysis may also be examined with a
Finite Elements Analysis submitted by the designer. In this
case and where large openings are provided in side shell
and/or in transverse cross bulkhead of catamaran, a special
attention is to be paid to ensure a realistic modelling of the
bending and shear strengths of the window jambs between
3.2 Global loads
3.2.1 As a general rule, the different types of global loads to
be considered and inducing overall bending moment and
shear force acting on the hull and/or platform of catamaran
a) Still water loads: the longitudinal distribution of ship
lightweight, the weights carried in the ship and the
buoyancy, and
b) Wave loads: the distribution of wave loads in head sea
and/or quartering sea conditions.
The global still water and waves loads, their combination
and the calculation of the overall bending moment consid-
ered for the global hull structure rule analysis are defined in
the Society Rules for the classification and/or certification of
ships (see Sec 1, [1.1.2]).
3.3 Global strength check
3.3.1 General
The global analysis check is to be successively carried out
taking into account the minimum rule safety factors based
on main stresses and combined stresses in individual layers,
and on buckling stresses in the whole laminates (see [1.3]).
The global analysis check is to be carried out for the struc-
ture elements contributing to the overall hull girder strength
in the following areas of the hull:
• in head sea condition (for monohull and multihull):
Along the ship from 0,30L to 0,7L from the aft end
• in quartering sea and digging in condition (for multihull
Along the float from aft to fore end, and in way of each
primary transverse cross structure of the platform.
4 Calculation of global strength for
monohull ship
4.1 General
4.1.1 Calculation of the hull girder strength characteristics
is to be carried out taking into account all longitudinal con-
tinuous structural element of the hull.
A superstructure extending over at least 0,4 L may generally
be considered as contributing to the longitudinal strength.
The transverse sectional areas of openings such as deck
hatches, side shell ports, side shell and superstructure doors
and windows in the members contributing to the longitudi-
nal hull girder strength, are to be deduced from the consid-
ered transverse section.
Lightening holes, draining holes and single scallops in lon-
gitudinal stiffeners need not be deducted if their height is
less than 0,25 h
, without being greater than 75 mm,
: Web height, in mm, of the considered longitudinal.
4.2 Strain and stress in the transverse refer-
ence section
4.2.1 Strain and stress in the transverse reference
The overall longitudinal bending strain
in% and stress
, in N/mm
, in any point of a transverse reference sec-
tion are obtained from the following formulae:
: Vertical overall longitudinal bending moment of
the combination global loads in head sea con-
dition, in kNm, calculated as indicated in the
applicable Society Rules for the classification
and/or certification of ships (see Sec 1, [1.1.2])
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