"GStreamer加速指南:Jetson TX1用户手册更新历史及使用方法"
The "Jetson-TX1-Accelerated-GStreamer-User-Guide.pdf" provides a comprehensive and detailed guide on the methods for using GStreamer acceleration with the Jetson TX1 platform. This guide, released on July 20, 2017, as part of Release 28.1 Accelerated GStreamer for Tegra X1, offers essential insights and instructions for users looking to leverage accelerated GStreamer for Tegra X1. The document has undergone several changes, with version updates and additions made by various authors, indicating the evolving nature of the content. The guide covers various aspects of implementing accelerated GStreamer for Tegra X1, including specific commands for rotation and scaling, as well as updates for different versions of the software. It also includes notes for display export and updates for gst-nvivafilter, indicating the depth and breadth of the content provided. Overall, the "Jetson-TX1-Accelerated-GStreamer-User-Guide.pdf" serves as a valuable resource for individuals and professionals seeking to harness the power of GStreamer acceleration with the Jetson TX1 platform. The comprehensive nature of the guide, along with the history of changes and updates, demonstrates its reliability and relevance in the field of accelerated GStreamer applications for Tegra X1.
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