
0 下载量 151 浏览量 更新于2024-03-28 收藏 683KB DOCX 举报
Voltage Direct Current (UHVDC) transmission system has the advantages of high transmission efficiency and low line losses, making it suitable for long-distance power transmission and integration of distributed energy resources. Unlike traditional AC power grids, the power flow in UHVDC systems is independent of the phase angles between power sources, allowing for network stability even during rapid power changes. However, in the event of a fault in a DC system, the fault current rises quickly and the power electronic devices have low tolerance for overcurrent, thus requiring improvements in the protection performance of the grid. Various fault identification and classification methods have been proposed to enhance the stability of UHVDC systems. For example, a fault identification method based on wavelet transform has been proposed in literature [5], but it requires high sampling rate data and imposes high demands on sensors and computing power, limiting its practicality for widespread application. Another method using support vector machines for fault detection, classification, and location estimation in high-voltage DC transmission lines has been introduced in literature [6], but it necessitates large amounts of training data, more memory, complex algorithms, and does not identify the faulty component. Additionally, a method based on traveling waves for high;
378 浏览量
2025-01-06 上传
在科技与司法的交响曲中,智慧法院应运而生,成为新时代司法服务的新篇章。它不仅仅是一个概念,更是对法院传统工作模式的一次深刻变革。智慧法院通过移动信息化技术,为法院系统注入了强大的生命力,有效缓解了案多人少的矛盾,让司法服务更加高效、便捷。 立案、调解、审判,每一个阶段都融入了科技的智慧。在立案阶段,智慧法院利用区块链技术实现可信存证,确保了电子合同的合法性和安全性,让交易双方的身份真实性、交易安全性得到了有力见证。这不仅极大地缩短了立案时间,还为后续审判工作奠定了坚实的基础。在调解阶段,多元调解服务平台借助人工智能、自然语言处理等前沿技术,实现了矛盾纠纷的快速化解。无论是矛盾类型的多元化,还是化解主体的多元化,智慧法院都能提供一站式、全方位的服务,让纠纷解决更加高效、和谐。而在审判阶段,智能立案、智能送达、智能庭审、智能判决等一系列智能化手段的应用,更是让审判活动变得更加智能化、集约化。这不仅提高了审判效率,还确保了审判质量的稳步提升。 更为引人注目的是,智慧法院还构建了一套完善的执行体系。移动执行指挥云平台的建设,让执行工作变得更加精准、高效。执行指挥中心和信息管理中心的一体化应用,实现了信息的实时传输和交换,为执行工作提供了强有力的支撑。而执行指挥车的配备,更是让执行现场通讯信号得到了有力保障,应急通讯能力得到了显著提升。这一系列创新举措的实施,不仅让执行难问题得到了有效解决,还为构建诚信社会、保障金融法治化营商环境提供了有力支撑。智慧法院的出现,让司法服务更加贴近民心,让公平正义的阳光更加温暖人心。