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Springboot Hometown Special Recommendation System
In today's rapidly developing Internet, computer applications are involved in all areas of our lives, including network applications that recommend hometown specialties. While such systems are already common in foreign countries, the management websites in China may still be in the early stages. The hometown special recommendation system adopts Java technology, based on the Springboot framework and developed using the MySQL database. It includes features such as homepage, personal center, user management, article classification management, article sharing management, and system management. This system has good compatibility and adaptability, providing users with more hometown specialty article information and offering a good platform to enhance the core competitiveness of the system.
This paper first introduces the background and research objectives of the design, then discusses the relevant technologies used in the system. It focuses on system function analysis and detailed design. Finally, it summarizes the development experience of the system.
Keywords: Java technology, hometown special recommendation, MySQL
2023-05-15 上传
2023-10-08 上传
2023-10-07 上传
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