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"C++ Standard Library Quick Reference 是一本由Peter Van Weert和Marc Gregoire合著的书籍,旨在为C++程序员提供关于C++标准库的快速参考指南。这本书涵盖了C++标准库的主要组件,包括容器、算法、迭代器、函数对象、智能指针、I/O流、异常处理等方面。它提供了方便的查阅信息,帮助开发者在实际编程中高效地利用C++标准库的功能。" C++标准库是C++语言的核心组成部分,它包含了一系列预定义的类和函数,极大地扩展了C++的基础功能。这个库分为多个部分,包括: 1. 容器:如`std::vector`, `std::list`, `std::map`等,它们提供了动态数据结构,用于存储和管理对象集合。这些容器各自有不同的特性,例如`std::vector`是动态数组,而`std::map`则是关联数组,基于红黑树实现。 2. 迭代器:C++中的迭代器是一种特殊指针,可以用来遍历容器中的元素。迭代器提供了统一的接口,使得不同的容器可以通过相同的方式访问其元素。 3. 算法:C++标准库包含大量实用的算法,如排序(`std::sort`)、查找(`std::find`)、复制(`std::copy`)等,这些算法可以应用于各种容器,提高代码的效率和可读性。 4. 函数对象(仿函数):如`std::less`和`std::greater`,它们作为比较操作的封装,可以在排序和查找操作中使用。 5. 智能指针:如`std::unique_ptr`, `std::shared_ptr`等,这些智能指针管理动态分配的对象,自动处理内存释放,避免内存泄漏。 6. I/O流:`std::iostream`库提供了输入输出流类,如`std::cin`, `std::cout`, `std::ifstream`, `std::ofstream`等,用于与标准输入输出设备及文件交互。 7. 异常处理:C++的异常处理机制允许在程序运行时检测并处理错误。`try`, `catch`, `throw`关键字用于构建异常安全的代码。 8. 其他工具:如类型转换工具、内存管理工具、线程和同步原语等。 通过深入理解和熟练运用C++标准库,开发者可以编写出更高效、更健壮的C++程序。《C++ Standard Library Quick Reference》这本书将帮助读者快速定位所需的信息,从而更好地在实践中应用C++标准库。
2016-07-28 上传
C++ Standard Library Quick Reference by Peter Van Weert, Marc Gregoire 2016 | ISBN: 1484218752 | English | 206 pages PDF+EPUB This quick reference is a condensed reference guide to the essential data structures, algorithms, and functions provided by the C++ Standard Library. More specifically, this is a compact collection of essential classes and functions, used by C++ programmers on a daily basis. The C++ Standard Library Quick Reference features core classes for strings, I/O streams, and various generic containers, as well as a comprehensive set of algorithms to manipulate them. In recent years, the C++11 and C++14 standards have added even more efficient container classes, a new powerful regular expression library, and a portable multithreading library featuring threads, mutexes, condition variables, and atomic variables. Needless to say, it is hard to know and remember all the possibilities, details, and intricacies of this vast and growing library. This handy reference guide is therefore indispensable to any C++ programmer. It offers a condensed, well-structured summary of all essential aspects of the C++ Standard Library, including all aforementioned functionality. No page-long, repetitive examples or obscure, rarely used features. Instead, everything you need to know and watch out for in practice is outlined in a compact, to-the-point style, interspersed with well-chosen, clarifying examples. The book does not explain the C++ language or syntax, but is accessible to anyone with basic C++ knowledge. Even the most experienced C++ programmer though will learn a thing or two from it and find it a useful memory-aid. What You Will Learn • The essentials that the C++ Standard Library has to offer • How to use containers to efficiently store and retrieve your data • How to use algorithms to inspect and manipulate your data • How lambda expressions allow for elegant use of algorithms • What the standard string class provides and how to use it • What functionality the library provides for file and stream-based I/O • What smart pointers are and how to use them to prevent memory leaks • How to write safe and efficient multi-threaded code using the C++11 threading libraries