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1. 表示“种类、系列”的词汇:
- 一系列:a range of, a variety of, a series of, an array of
2. 表示“数量多”的词汇:
- 无数:innumerable, countless
- 许多:abundant, a great deal of, ample
3. 其他形容词:
- 非常大的:tremendous
- 过时的:outdated, antiquated, outmoded, obsolete, anachronistic
- 短暂的:ephemeral, transitory, transient, short-lived
- 不合时宜的:anachronism
- 可持久的:durable, able to stand wear, last a long time
4. 时间相关的词汇:
- 一再:time after time, again and again
- 初始的:preliminary
- 前述的:aforementioned, aforesaid, former
- 自古到今:from ancient times to the present day, down through the ages
- 年轻人:youngster, youth, young adult
- 老式的:old-fashioned, out of date
5. 频率副词:
- 偶尔:from time to time, now and then, once in a while, at times
- 时常:often, frequently, repeatedly
- 永远的:eternal, perpetual, lasting throughout life
6. 行动和态度:
- 重整办事优先顺序:reshape priorities
- 正/反意见:支持,endorse, backup, uphold;反对,condemn, express strong disapproval of
- 骂:yell at, reprimand, chide, scold, reprove
- 错误的:erroneous, wrong, incorrect
- 错事:wrongdoing, misbehavior
- 做相反的:do the reverse of, do the opposite
- 归咎:blame…on, put the blame on…, …is to blame
- 瓦解:disintegrate, breakup, separate into small parts
- 支持某一方:in favor
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