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g advantage of the technological achievements of large-scale integrated circuits and networks, embedded video surveillance systems achieve small size, stable performance, and convenient communication. This project proposes the porting of embedded Linux operating system on the ARM microprocessor platform, and completes tasks such as video capture, compression, and control. The hardware selection of the system adopts the ARM9 microprocessor S3C2410 provided by the laboratory as the main processor, and uses a USB interface camera as the video capture device. To reduce product costs, on this basis, with the help of open-source software under Linux, the entire embedded video surveillance system is constructed.
Keywords: video surveillance, embedded system, ARM9, Linux, V4L video capture
With the rapid development of electronic technology, multimedia technology, and network technology, video surveillance systems are moving towards embedded, digital, and networked directions. The embedded video surveillance system makes use of the technological advancements in large-scale integrated circuits and networks to achieve small size, stable performance, and convenient communication. This project focuses on porting embedded Linux operating system to the ARM microprocessor platform and accomplishing tasks such as video capture, compression, and control. The hardware selection for the system includes the ARM9 microprocessor S3C2410 as the main processor and a USB interface camera for video capture. To reduce costs, the project leverages open-source software on Linux to build the embedded video surveillance system.
376 浏览量
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