第 35 卷第 2 期 辽宁工程技术大学学报(自然科学版) 2016年 2 月
No.2 Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Natural Science) Feb. 2016
作者简介:于玲(1970-),女,陕西 咸阳人,硕士,副教授,主要从事道路桥梁工程结构方面的研究. 本文编校:杨芳
辽宁工程技术大学(自然科学版)网址: http://xuebao.lntu.edu.cn/
2016,35(2):176-181. doi:10.11956/j.issn.1008-0562.2016.02.006
YU Ling, CHEN Dehao, BAO Longsheng, XUE Xingwei Hybrid girder cable-stayed bridge cable force optimization theory and its
engineering applications[J].Journal of Liaoning Technical University(Natural Science),2016,35(2):176-181. doi:10.11956/
j.issn.1008- 0562.2016.02.006
于 玲,陈德昊,包龙生,薛兴伟
(沈阳建筑大学 土木学院,辽宁 沈阳 110168)
摘 要:为研究斜拉桥其最优成桥索力对主梁内力、线形的影响,以本溪某混合梁斜拉桥为工程背景.在既有索
用显示梯度的数学表达式进行求解.研究结果表明:钢梁侧最大负弯矩为 83 292.49 kN·m,混凝土侧最大负弯矩为
18 934.7 kN·m,主梁最大下挠为 40.1 mm,出现在钢梁侧且距离主墩 0.75 L 处,优化后索力更加均匀合理,计算
中图分类号:U 448.27 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1008-0562(2016)02-0176-06
Hybrid girder cable-stayed bridge cable force
optimization theory and its engineering applications
YU Ling, CHEN Dehao, BAO Longsheng, XUE Xingwei
(School of Civil Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang 110168, China)
Abstract: This paper studied a hybrid cable-stayed bridge in Benxi and its best cable force, as well as the internal
forces of the main beam, linear effects, in order to provide a reference for other similar bridges. The minimum
energy constraint-based composite method was put forward on the basis of the existing cable force optimization
theory. In addition, in accordance with tensile and compressive strain in the tower beam bending strain energy to
establish an objective function, this paper used the display gradient mathematical expressions to solve it. The
mechanical concepts is clear and simple calculation. After the optimization, the girder side maximum negative
moment is 83 292.49 kN·m, the concrete side maximum negative moment is 18 934.7 kN·m, and the maximum
under the main beam deflection is 40.1 mm which appears in the steel side and away from the main pier steel
beam 0.75 L. In short the girder moment is reasonable, the cable force is uniform, and the linear of the bridge is
good. Thus this method can obtain better optimization results and better practical reference value.
Key words: hybrid girder; cable-stayed bridge; bridge reasonable state; force optimization; minimum energy
method with constrained; display gradient method
0 引言
斜拉桥(Cable-Stayed Bridge)是由承压的塔、