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数据结构与算法课程设计任务书涵盖了三个具有挑战性的问题:扫雷问题、求素数问题和方程求解问题。首先,扫雷问题要求设计一个程序,用于读取一个包含网格行数、列数和雷位置信息的文件,并输出标记了雷和周围雷个数的网格。这需要考虑如何有效地处理文件输入和输出,并运用合适的数据结构和算法来实现雷的标记和数目统计。其次,求素数问题是基于埃拉托色尼筛法,要求设计一个程序来找出小于给定数N的所有素数。这需要有效地实现筛选算法并对其运行时间进行评估和讨论。最后,方程求解问题挑战性更大,要求解一个复杂的五次方程,并找到满足方程条件的解。这需要深入理解方程求解的数学原理,并设计出高效的算法来找到解。综合来看,这些任务旨在考验学生对数据结构和算法的理解和应用能力,需要灵活运用各种知识和技巧来解决实际问题。Students are required to design and implement programs for three challenging problems in the course design task of data structures and algorithms: Minesweeper problem, prime number problem, and equation solving problem. Firstly, the Minesweeper problem requires designing a program to read a file containing grid dimensions and the position of mines, and outputting a grid marked with mines and the number of adjacent mines. This task involves efficient file input/output handling, as well as using appropriate data structures and algorithms to mark mines and count their neighbors. Secondly, the prime number problem is based on the Sieve of Eratosthenes algorithm, requiring the design of a program to find all prime numbers less than a given number N. This task involves implementing the sieving algorithm effectively and evaluating its running time. Lastly, the equation solving problem is the most challenging, requiring the solution of a complex fifth-degree equation and finding the solutions that satisfy the equation. This task requires a deep understanding of mathematical principles for equation solving and the design of efficient algorithms to find solutions. Overall, these tasks are designed to test students' understanding and application of data structures and algorithms, requiring the flexible use of various knowledge and skills to solve practical problems.