NIST SP 800-56A Rev.3:离散对数密码学的密钥建立方案

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"NIST.SP.800-56Ar3.pdf - 使用离散对数密码学的对密钥建立方案的建议" NIST(美国国家标准与技术研究院)发布的SP 800-56A第三版是关于使用离散对数密码学进行对称密钥建立的推荐指南。该文档由Elaine Barker、Lily Chen、Allen Roginsky、Apostol Vassilev和Richard Davis等专家编写,旨在提供安全的密钥协商协议,确保网络通信的安全性。文档由NIST的计算机安全分部和信息科技实验室以及国家安全局合作完成。 离散对数密码学是密码学中的一个重要分支,它基于计算离散对数的困难性来构建加密算法。离散对数问题在数学上被认为是一个复杂的问题,这使得基于此的加密系统在理论上难以被破解。该文描述的对密钥建立方案用于两个通信方(通常称为Alice和Bob)在不安全的网络环境中安全地交换密钥,从而能够进行私密和验证的通信。 NIST SP 800-56A第三版涵盖了以下关键知识点: 1. **密钥建立协议**:详细介绍了各种基于离散对数的密钥交换协议,如Diffie-Hellman协议的变体,这些协议允许双方在不共享任何先前秘密的情况下生成共享密钥。 2. **安全性评估**:文档提供了评估密钥建立方案安全性的标准和准则,包括抵御中间人攻击、重放攻击和其他已知的密码学攻击。 3. **算法选择**:讨论了不同类型的离散对数问题,如模指数问题和计算椭圆曲线离散对数问题,以及它们在实际应用中的优缺点。 4. **安全参数**:确定了合适的密钥长度和参数设置,以适应未来可能的计算能力增长,确保密钥的长期安全性。 5. **实现指导**:提供了实施这些协议时的实践建议,包括错误处理、随机数生成和性能优化。 6. **兼容性和互操作性**:考虑了与其他标准和协议的兼容性,如PKIX(公钥基础设施扩展)和TLS(传输层安全)协议,以促进不同系统的互操作性。 7. **更新和修订**:第三版对前两版进行了修订,可能包括新的安全威胁分析、新发现的攻击方法的防御以及对现有协议的安全增强。 NIST SP 800-56A第三版是密码学和网络安全领域的权威参考资料,对于设计和实现安全通信系统,尤其是在需要使用离散对数密码学的场景下,具有重要的指导价值。这份文档的使用者应熟悉基本的密码学概念,并关注不断发展的安全威胁,以便及时更新和调整安全策略。
2020-02-18 上传
Many U.S. Government Information Technology (IT) systems need to employ well-established cryptographic schemes to protect the integrity and confidentiality of the data that they process. Algorithms such as the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) as defined in Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 197,1 and the Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) as defined in FIPS 1982 make attractive choices for the provision of these services. These algorithms have been standardized to facilitate interoperability between systems. However, the use of these algorithms requires the establishment of keying material between the participating entities in advance. Trusted couriers may manually distribute this secret keying material. However, as the number of entities using a system grows, the work involved in the distribution of the secret keying material could grow rapidly. Therefore, it is essential to support the cryptographic algorithms used in modern U.S. Government applications with automated key-establishment schemes. A key-establishment scheme can be characterized as either a key-agreement scheme or a key-transport scheme. The asymmetric-key-based key-agreement schemes in this Recommendation are based on the Diffie-Hellman (DH) and Menezes-Qu-Vanstone (MQV) algorithms. Asymmetric-key-based key-establishment schemes using Integer Factorization Cryptography are specified in SP 800-56B.3 The selection of schemes specified in this Recommendation is based on standards for key-establishment schemes developed by the Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X9, Inc.: ANS X9.42, Agreement of Symmetric Keys using Discrete Logarithm Cryptography, and ANS X9.63, Key Agreement and Key Transport using Elliptic Curve Cryptography.