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With the rapid advancement of computer technology, electronic devices that transmit, process, and store data and sensitive information in the form of electrical signals are prone to generating electromagnetic emissions, leading to electromagnetic leakage and potential information disclosure. Therefore, the importance and necessity of studying the topic of electromagnetic information leakage in devices such as computers are becoming increasingly apparent. This paper introduces a MATLAB-based electromagnetic leakage data processing system, utilizing TEMPEST technology to enhance the detection and processing of electromagnetic leakage signals. The system aims to achieve accurate and intelligent detection of electromagnetic leakage signals in office environments where multiple electromagnetic waves coexist, thereby saving labor costs, improving the scientific and practical aspects of detection, laying a research foundation for information anti-theft work, overcoming information security vulnerabilities caused by electromagnetic leakage, and reducing information security risks. The integration of signal processing techniques in the detection and analysis of electromagnetic leakage signals is crucial for enhancing information security in sensitive environments. Through the implementation of the MATLAB system, the detection of electromagnetic leakage signals can be effectively enhanced, ultimately strengthening the overall security measures in place for protecting sensitive information.
207 浏览量
121 浏览量
2024-10-29 上传
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175 浏览量
2024-11-03 上传
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