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通信联系人:潘建义(1977-),男,副教授,主要研究方向:微生物蛋白质组学. E-mail:
(浙江理工大学生命科学学院蛋白质组学与分子酶学研究室,杭州 310018)
副溶血弧菌免疫 ICR 小鼠制备抗血清;通过对外膜蛋白进行 SDS-PAGE 和 Western Blot 分
析筛选免疫原性蛋白,经 MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS 质谱分析,对免疫原性蛋白进行鉴定。克隆
表达免疫原性蛋白 VP0802,并对该蛋白的表达条件进行优化,最后纯化蛋白 VP0802。结果:10
免疫小鼠所得到的抗血清效价为 1:5,000;经 免疫印迹分析确定了 12 种外膜蛋白具有免疫原
性,其中 10 种外膜蛋白经质谱分析得到鉴定,分别为 LPS-assembly protein,VP0802,
Maltoporin,Chitoporin,OmpC,OmpA,OmpU,OmpK,VP1243 和 VP0966。成功构建免
疫原性蛋白 VP0802 的高表达菌株;该菌株在低温低转速的条件下诱导,目的蛋白仍以包涵
体形式存在,在 37 ℃,220 rpm,IPTG 终浓度为 1 mmol/L 的条件下诱导,目的蛋白表达量15
较高,纯化得到蛋白 VP0802。结论:在副溶血弧菌的外膜蛋白中存在多种与免疫原性相关
Identification and Expression of the Immunogenic Protein of
Vibrio Parahaemolyticus
TIAN Lihua, YE Zhicang, WEN Liangyou, PAN Jianyi, ZHAO Fukun
(Lab of proteomics and molecular enzymes, School of Life Sciences, Zhejiang Sci-Tech
University, Hangzhou 310018) 25
Abstract: Object: To develop the subunit vaccines and prevent diseases caused by Vibrio
parahaemolyticu, the outer membrane proteins of Vibrio parahaemolyticus which have
immunogenicity were screened and identified using proteomics technology and immunological
techniques. Method: The inactivated Vibrio parahaemolyticus was used to immune ICR mice.
Then the antiserum was collected. The immunogenic proteins from the outer membrane proteins 30
were screened by western blot and identified by MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS. Then an immunogenic
protein VP0802 was cloned and expressed. And the expression conditions were optimized, then
the protein VP0802 was purified. Result: The titer of the antiserum was 1:5,000. Twelve species
outer membrane proteins were identified having immunogenicity, and ten of them were
determined separately as LPS-assembly protein,VP0802,Maltoporin,Chitoporin,OmpC,OmpA,35
OmpU,OmpK,VP1243,VP0966. The high expression strain of pET-28a(+)-VP0802 was
founded. And this protein exited in the form of inclusion bodies even though induced by low
temperature and slow speed. The expression of this protein was higher after induced by 1 mmol/L
IPTG and under 37℃, 220 rpm. At last, the protein VP0802 was purified. Conclusion: there are
several proteins associated with immunity in the outer membrane proteins. And some of them are 40
firstly found having immunogenicity.
Key words: Vibrio parahaemolyticus; Outer Membrane Protein; Immunogenicity; VP0802
0 引言
副溶血弧菌(Vibrio parahaemolyticus,VP)是海洋环境中最常见的细菌类群之一,属于45