
需积分: 0 0 下载量 175 浏览量 更新于2024-04-14 收藏 742KB PDF 举报
The Technology and Public Purpose Project at Harvard Kennedy School provides policymakers with valuable information on battery technology through the Technology Factsheet Series. Authored by experts from Harvard and MIT, the factsheets offer a comprehensive overview of battery technology and its implications for policy-making. Reviewed by esteemed professionals from UCL and MIT, the factsheets cover important aspects of battery technology, highlighting its significance in the context of public policy. Led by Ash Carter and Laura Manley, the Technology and Public Purpose Project aims to equip policymakers with the knowledge and insights necessary to address the challenges and opportunities presented by advances in technology. The factsheets serve as a valuable resource for policymakers seeking to understand the complexities of battery technology and its potential impact on society.